Front Yard Garden

Planting a Flower Garden in my Front Yard! Hard Work and Lots of Fun!

#flowergarden #gardentips #plantingseeds
Hey Everybody! Welcome to Morning Glory Farmstead! Let’s spend some time in the front yard today! I am going to use my daughters tiller and create 5 rows to plant some flowers, including sunflowers to help feed the birds and and hopefully offset the cost of the seeds I purchase. I have a small kitchen window that faces the front yard and I want to take advantage and create a small garden space that brings me joy and feeds all of the pollinators. If you just want to laugh and spend a few minutes in a more light hearted setting, then my channel is for you. There is a lot going on out there but we still have to live each day and how we live it is our choice. I live in the moment and don’t fret over things I cannot control. I am so glad that you found my channel and hope that you will help me tremendously by liking, subscribing, and even sharing.
I’m also going to share brief footage of some of the Morning Glory Farm rescues. Animals are a huge part of my life and so they will be a large part of my channel. I hope that you are making a special garden area even in a small space. Most people have a smaller garden space to work with and you can just add a few things to your area that make it joyful and peaceful for you specifically.
Come have some fun with me!
I hope that if you received some value from the video or just enjoyed it that you will subscribe! I am so grateful for those of you who have already subscribed. You have brought so much joy to my channel and I love to read your comments and interact with each of you! You are all so special and it is such a privilege to have you spend time with me.
Love you guys!

Update: GreenStalk affiliate link- I may make a small commission on certain orders.
Code: LOLLY10

Let’s stay in touch!

Morning Glory Farmstead Animal Supply Wishlist

Baker Creek Rare Seeds{campaignname}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk7ugBhDIARIsAGuvgPaVSPqVeRW4iXvgwAjQNXDG6ul9MebbkeLw6KbA7TShy4HP8xm9AsMaAtXmEALw_wcB

Some of the Caps I wear:
Dog Mom Pink-
Dog Mom Vintage with hole for pony tail-
Dog Mom Vintage Burgundy-
Cat Mom-
Chicken Hat-

Organic Worm Castings. I found Espoma worm castings!

Peat Moss

I have not used it, but this brand rated highly for Perlite and Vermiculite.
Organic Perlite

Organic Vermiculite

Dr. Earth Organic All-Purpose Fertilizer

Espoma Organic Seed Starting Mix

FACEBOOK link for Morning Glory Farmstead Community Garden. Come join us!

Check out my daughter’s YouTube Channel Healthy Elizabeth for some awesome recipes and tips for healthy eating from simple whole foods.


  1. Maybe if you hoed the grass off the top first, the tiller would work better. "Do a little and do it often" is my favorite gardening quote. You're doing great so far. Will they grow in clay with no amendments? I'm planting zinnias and sunflowers this year too but I have sandy soil in West Central Florida. I have to add manure, potting mix, something or nothing will grow.

  2. You crack me up! I wish I had your energy! I do a little, rest a bit, etc. I want more flowers and I got some nasturtiums and coneflowers and will probably order more. I keep saying NO MORE SEEDS, but then they call to me….I love watching the seeds I’ve planted for the GreenStalks growing. I usually sing Happy Birthday to them when they pop up! I know I’m having fun this year! Thanks for making it all so much fun!!❤

  3. Hi Lolly, To me, it looks like the reason the device is hard to use is that it is too lightweight. The weight of a conventional tiller helps it sink into the soil as it digs. No weight, just a surface tickler. I hope this helps! Hugs, Z

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