Japanese Garden

Pruning and Repotting My Birds Nest Spruce, Part 1, The Bonsai Zone, March 2023

My Birds Nest Spruce is going from a plastic training pot to a show pot today, after I prune up the tree for spring!

To see previous videos of this Spruce bonsai, click on the playlist here….



  1. Was not expecting a video. But a spruce tree video is always welcomed. Thank you Nigel. This spruce birds nest is one of my faves.

  2. Was hoping to make the chat tonight, but I was in a class on growing roses. Just to answer all the questions on can you bonsai a rose, yes, yes you can, but you only have about 30 years according to the life span of roses.

  3. i just dug up a hidden spruce, i found in my yard, urban yamadori style. very rugged and small. super excited to clip and grow it

  4. Master of the Prune, Dr. Nigel Saunders, in action. Bring pencil and paper to watch the good doctor working on the repotting of this excellent tree in part 2. Superb trunk.

  5. OoooOOO!! You are getting me all excited to work on my little survivor spruce! This is the first year I will get to work on it.

  6. Love the pot you used on the Birds Nest Spruce and the tree of course and love your channel and the detail you go into.
    Does Sophie have a website as I'm interested in looking at her pots.

  7. That's funny I looked out of my window yesterday with a sad face (new snow had come) and among the trees I looked at was my spruce I collected umm maybe 3 years ago now..
    And voila, you post a new video of your amazing and inspiring birds nest spruce – made me feel better. 😊

  8. Love spruces, and this is such a nice one! You should try plant some cuttings, ive had success with alberta and sitka spruce spring cuttings even without hormone.

  9. Nigel, this is looking really good after the pruning, I think the shape is much better and airy.

  10. I really like this tree which has experienced much in life! What about cutting off all branches to the right an exposing the trunk line entirely to emphasise the weather beaten look?🤔 Just a thought…

  11. I must admit I worry about the amount of branches you remove but in the end it proves you right to do so, I just like my foliage a little fuller but thats my preference, I enjoy you videos, we can’t always agree on the end product but respect each others choices, looking forward to part 2, I really like your choice of pot for the tree.

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