Front Yard Garden

Summer Front Yard Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Tour

John from takes you on a tour of his front yard raised bed vegetable garden (and some of his backyard too!) In this episode you will learn about many of the usual and unusual varieties of fruits and vegetables John is growing in his front yard. You will discover how and why he grows his food, and along the way have a fun time learning about the many different crops he is growing in the front yard of a standard American tract home in the suburbs.

You will also discover why this years growth has been more than in previous years and what new soil ammendments he is using.

Learn about supersizing your vegetables with woodchips and rockdust:

Increase your yields up to 400% with Worm Gold Plus Castings:

To learn more and purchase the amendments John uses visit:


  1. Interesting seeing the heirlooms first hand. Saving seeds here, replanting, Herbs producing nicely, nearly two years later! Working on Herbal Health plants, varieties of  Medicinal Aloe.   Wow! Remember that first garden  John, You've grown like your plants! Your a man on a mission, Keep up the Good! Work! much appreciated, thank you.

  2. when was this filmed because it seems this and your video about being married for your garden were filmed a long time ago.? where i am its not summer.

  3. great videos john, sometimes when showing your garden you say ca. and other times you say vegas. do you have a house in both places

  4. John, you didn't talk about your Maypop in the front yard.I'm planning to start growing one next spring but worried I don't have a large enough support trellis. Are you pruning it several times a year?

  5. Thanks for the tour. Your videos have been so inspiring to me. I made the decision to do what I love (grow). Splendifurous bounties my green thumbed friend.

  6. man that is some good eating 🙂 hope someday i can achieve ur gardens bounty 🙂

  7. John, would you say you are particularly pleased with your pepper production? Then would you say that three times fast? Thanks.

  8. I bought some of your sunchokes and they put on a beautiful show this summer. However, I had a hard time keeping them upright. They either fell over or went searching for support in my fruit trees. Can you please do a video on what you do to keep your sunchokes growing neatly/upright? 

  9. Heading out to visit old friends in Vegas in April for my bday, i'd love to check out your wonderful garden. Maybe pay you for some heirloom seeds 🙂 would love to hear back!

  10. What a wonderful yield. I have been using the rock dust and worm castings and lately a mixture of highland forest and kitchen compost with leaf-mold. but I haven't gotten anywhere near that yield. My gardner says its because the rain has been brutal this year. It just completely drowned my peppers and tomatoes.

  11. 999 videos and that's not including OKRAW.  Congratulations on your success. ..and here's to the NEXT 999! Oh, and "stealing" your fruit?  We've SEEN your guard dogs!  LOL

  12. Yay… I finally found my "right" profile that I lost a few days ago.  Hate it when this happens!

  13. Im buying a house just so I can grow like you John. Been in an apartment here in Vegas too long. Im Searching all over for the right place. Hope my garden looks like this someday.

  14. Thank you I appreciate all your videos.  You are so lucky to having a long growing season, as I live in Northern Colorado not a long growing season.

  15. John, what kind of water filter do you recommend to take care of the chlorine, chloramine, and flouride you find in typical urban neighborhoods.  I bought the boogie brew filter but would like to use something more permanent for my household watering system and also for my own water supply.  I've always had a tap water filter in the kitchen that I use every day.  This would include water for showering as well as what I use for the garden next year.  Any ideas appreciated.  Just me and the missus and 8 grandkids when they are all over.

  16. Just for the other kiwi viewers, The warehouse is having a sale on most garden stuff atm =] most seeds are $1.50. just bought a mini albiet cheap greenhouse for $30 ish

  17. john here in bolivia we have lots of the oca .. the one you call the last crop of the incas …   we put some sort of blanket on the sun or a sunny window will do in a dry enviroment and let them take some sun for at least couple of weeks untill they change color, believe me the taste changes completely ..  we roast them just like you would with a potato …  fantastic flavour!!!  

  18. I had to immediately stop playing the video to Google the heirloom expo and then immediately message my friends to see who would join me.
    Link for everyone else.

    So excited for it! Thank you!

    I'll be the one there gushing while working up the nerve to ask to shake your hand.

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