Edible Gardening

Introduction to UnitedNatures Edible Garden

Welcome to UnitedNatures Edible Garden!

This is our first video …an introduction to you.

Feel free to subscribe to automatic alerts as I upload episodes as part of the series.

I’m Erik C. van Zuilekom, a botanist, living architecture designer (vertical gardens, roof gardens & all manner of gardens integrated into architecture), plant researcher, father, husband, and your host for this channel.

This channel is a space for gaining confidence to learn how to start gardening, grow edibles, and discover practical ecology that makes gardening easier through working with nature as elegantly simple solutions. We do this whilst enjoying generating fresh food, and healthy, productive, dynamic human habitats for yourself, your family, and your communities benefit.

Whether you are beginning your journey with no gardening knowledge or are a seasoned pro seeking deeper insights, additional perspectives, and advanced ecological and botanical understanding to add supportive chapters to your journey, this channel is a growing repository for you as well.

Here we share our humble, personal, journey into homesteading. We convert science and ecological observations into simple, digestible, and practical solutions to make life easier, saving you time to get straight into it and enjoy what you’d like to spend your valuable time doing.

Thank you for subscribing, as this will keep you updated as I progressively upload updates and grow this channel.

Please feel free to make contact, add comments, and start conversations that help direct how this channel responds to your thirst for learning and growth.


Whilst I generate updates for YouTube, please feel free to enjoy my Instagram and Facebook profiles for insights into our story thus far and additional content:

~UnitedNatures Edible Garden (Homesteading) and
~UnitedNatures Design (Living Architecture Design & Plant Collecting)


  1. Looking forward to more Episodes thank you
    Yvonne Schuetze
    don't know why it comes under my daughter

  2. Exciting phase of your journey and I look forward to seeing more. Congratulations 🎉

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