Vegetable Gardening

No More Aphids With NO Pesticides!

Aphids used to be a big problem in my garden until I stopped fertilizing so heavily. Now I find that I usually only get aphids in the summer time when I can’t keep up with irrigation leading to stressed overheated plants that are screaming for aphids to come attack them. Now for the first time I have the reverse problem, way too much water from all the rain we have been getting! This has stressed out my kale plants which are tucked into a pocket of my garden that barely gets any direct sun near the soil level leading to soggy soil. Historically I have battled with the aphids through using organic pesticides but I quickly found that it was just a game of cat and mouse leading to lots of pesticides use that could harm other insects. Instead I have switched to fully using water to blast away aphids and stunt their populations. This has the added benefit of allowing beneficial insects to step in at some point as well since we aren’t using any pesticides!


  1. But they are being blasted in the soil???? Looks like they would just crawl back on.

  2. one thing that works great is making a garlic concoction (boil about 7 cloves in 50cl and let sit overnight) and spraying it on your plants 2-3 times in one week. not more though plants don't like it much, but if you are invaded,works like a charm !

  3. 1. A lot of people say to spray them off every few days, but Jacques is right. Gotta do it every day. 2. Deterring ants is also a huge part of the solution too. I have watched ants move aphids around in my garden, like herding little cows. The little farmers also plant prostrate spurge, which they harvest seeds from in the Fall. So I have to remove the spurge, spray off the aphids and encourage my ladybugs.

  4. Aphids are just robots omg. Did the same thing with my milkweed plant and it worked till I stopped spraying I got lazy 😥

  5. right…. blast them away with water, sending them all over they other plants to totally infest the whole garden.

  6. I’ve had a lot of success putting a single tiny spider onto the plant. They feast and take care of it in a day or two

  7. Water can just distribute the aphids to other parts of the garden. Use Neem oil, the concentrate. It’s cheaper that way bc you can add the water yourself. Neem oil is a fungicide, Miticide and insecticide. Saturate the plant especially under the leaves. You can use Neem oil on edible plants, too. It does smell atrocious to me so when I spray the house plants I take them outside to spray. The smell won’t be as strong then but still work.

  8. I had aphids problems with my apple trees last year… the ants kept bringing them!! It was a mess… I sprayed it with lots of water but it hurt my trees (only 2 years old) and got rid of all my flowers and little apples!! 😢 any help there?

  9. Silly me, I just bought a package of ladybird beetles from the nursery and set them free lmao. Worked just as well tbh

  10. Where did you purchase the sprayer? Tried to check all post to see if anyone else asked Or maybe— well anyway I would love to get this sprayer

  11. Easiest way? Literally find some spiders. anywhere you find one catch it put it in a matchbox and release it in your garden. 100% better than any pesticides.

    Downside: webs..

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