Backyard Garden

Beautiful backyard! 80 landscape design ideas for inspiration!

Beautiful backyard! 80 landscape design ideas for inspiration!

If you’re tired of looking out at a barren or uninviting backyard, we have some fantastic ideas to transform that area into a stunning oasis. It’s frustrating when the sun is shining and you don’t have a place to appreciate it, but creating the perfect space might be easier than you think.

How To Create A Dreamy Outdoor Oasis In Your Backyard

This space should welcome you, evoke a sense of calm and relaxation, and allow you to enjoy the fresh air outside your home. Here’s how you can make it happen:

Prioritize Privacy

The sense of an oasis isn’t just about what you put in the space, but also ensuring you feel comfortable and relaxed, with privacy being crucial. High planters or large fences can keep you out of sight from neighbors, creating an instant feeling of relaxation and comfort.

Address Bug Problems

Nothing ruins a peaceful oasis like unwanted insects. While it’s impossible to eliminate all bugs and pests, you can take steps to minimize their presence. Citronella candles can help deter insects while adding a pleasant aesthetic. Additionally, consider hiring a pest control service to regularly spray and keep mosquitoes and ticks at bay.

Invest in Beautiful Furniture

Many people opt for plastic tables and chairs, but these aren’t very inviting. Companies like Papaya offer attractive and affordable furniture options. Your oasis should be comfortable and visually appealing, and beautiful furniture can help achieve that.

Install Decking

Decking is an excellent way to create space in your yard and provide areas to relax. Adding slats as a walkway can serve as an enticing entrance to your oasis, leading to a hidden seating area. Decking not only looks great but is also a smart investment, retaining nearly 75% of its value if you decide to sell.

Create a Fire Pit Area

A fire pit area doesn’t have to break the bank but can transform your backyard. Adding sand and log seating around the pit will make your space inviting and enviable. As the sun sets and temperatures drop, light a fire or start a chimney to continue enjoying your outdoor space. Tiki lamps are a charming addition, adding brightness and an exotic feel to your oasis.

Don’t hesitate to invest time and money in revitalizing your dull outdoor space, allowing you to fully appreciate every part of your property.

This video is educational in nature! Author of the channel “100 Ideas!” demonstrates garden and backyard landscape design ideas and explains their merits.
We made significant changes to our content using Movavi Video Suite 18 video editor, we edited several ideas (image) in a specific order to reveal the video creator’s creative intent, and added audio track with our instructions and free music YouTube.


1 Comment

  1. Hermoso video Maribel, muy lindo Tapón todo un cuidador es hermoso . Que mal lo de los lobos, no puede ser que injusticia. Pobres ovejitas pobres mastines y ustedes que es su vida😢

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