
5 plants you probably don’t grow but should | The Impatient Gardener

I’m sharing some of my favorite less common plants. All of these are hardy at least in zones 5-8 but some have a wider range than that.

If you’re wondering where you can find these, well, you might have to look a bit because some of them aren’t your typical garden center fare. I encourage you to call your local independent garden center first, but if you have no luck there, you may have to order some of these online.

Here’s a post I wrote about my experience with every online nursery I can remember buying from:

I also recommend checking the reviews of online nurseries at Dave’s Garden before you order. They aren’t all great. Head to the Garden Watchdog to see reviews:

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My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5.

#UnusualPlants #CoolPlants #TheImpatientGardener

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The Impatient Gardener
125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074


  1. I have three Aralia Sun King in my full shade garden. They get no sun and they just glow. I love them. Great video!

  2. I love my Angelica, and I just added mountain mint at the end of last season, I also have Sun king and a variety of Thalactrium. We have similar taste. Check out Ajuga bukin, and Astiliboides tabularus

  3. I love your channel. I love the content/ topics and I really appreciate your commentary. I have to tell you however that sometimes I feel a little disappointed because of the camera angles and lighting. I'm hoping you'll get to a place where you can hire a videograper and producer someday;) But for now I'm happy following you along on your garedeninv journey, lol. Thanks for sharing your successes and failures , your likes and dislikes and your knowledge.

  4. This is why I love your channel. You aren't a cookie cutter gardener. My go to for inspiration in these cold months. TY

  5. I realize this is a year old video but STILL incredibly helpful. I recently found a wholesale perennial farm that’s open to the public on Saturdays. Their plants are amazing and they have almost everything you recommended, Erin. Guess what I’m doing this weekend?!?!

  6. Cimicifuga for shade. Especially all of the new varieties. Love it. Great list. Thank you!

  7. Do you have any information on Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus for zone 7)? We had a very wet spring/summer and they might have root rot. They are in pots. I am thinking of getting them out of pots and drying them out and repotting in a new mix. Any thoughts? I sprinkled cinnamon on them because I noticed the problem before leaving on vacation and wanted to stop any bacteria.

  8. I think one plant that guy everybody should start planning it everybody knows about panties but I think the Ito or etopany i t o h panty is a great Penny it's better than a tree peony better than a regular peony it's just so beautiful I don't know if you've ever tried it it's gorgeous I love it bye

  9. Can you suggest some non-aggressive, native species? I'm looking forward to planting Monarda and false indigo this year…hoping deer and critters have mercy. I add marigolds and calendulas

  10. The angelica reminds me of astrantia. In fact, it looks like a really tall version of it. Maybe you can get astrantias to work if you got this to work?

  11. Lots of ideas here, thank you! My nearly 40 yr old yard & garden are way overdue for a revamp.

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