Garden Plans

Enhancing Garden Design with Retaining Walls made ib stone! 45 ideas!

Enhancing Garden Design with Retaining Walls made ib stone! 45 ideas!

Retaining Walls for Sloped Sites

Retaining walls are highly effective and necessary engineering structures for different levels of sloped sites. These walls are commonly constructed using masonry, with natural stone masonry being the ideal compromise between strength and aesthetics. Limestone should be avoided as it breaks down too easily. Natural stone used in exterior design can give a monumental appearance.

When the level of a site cannot be redeveloped, the use of steps in landscape design is a profitable solution. Steps made of natural stone can easily blend in with any exterior and connect all garden levels. Interestingly, when used in terracing with retaining walls, these steps take on an artificial straight shape.

Choosing the Right Garden Path

Garden paths are essential in every garden, regardless of layout. Beautiful, winding paths made of natural stone, brick, paving slabs, or clinker paving stones can enhance the garden’s appearance and connect all zones of a summer cottage. Wooden floorings, whether sanded or untreated, can also look particularly original. Processing with special substances can protect the wooden boards from decay.

This video is educational in nature! Author of the channel “100 Ideas!” demonstrates garden and backyard landscape design ideas and explains their merits.
We made significant changes to our content using Movavi Video Suite 18 video editor, we edited several ideas (image) in a specific order to reveal the video creator’s creative intent, and added audio track with our instructions and free music YouTube.



  1. a lo que podría ser fantasioso observar todo esto es una realidad,,, -,,,,,, fabuloso y plasmarlo a fincas , haciendas , entradas de casas muy amplias y huertas espaciosas,,,,,,,,, una pauta de expectativas lindas a nuestros lugares de entorno familiar -,,,,,,,, un derroche de gratitud a este gran canal de bendicion , BYE ¡¡¡¡

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