Container Gardening

Container Garden 03/07/17

A look at how the container garden is doing and a closer look at what’s eating my spinach and beetroot leaves. Turns out, it’s the leaf miner from the larvae of the same fly, Pegomya Hyoscyami:

Thanks for watching.


  1. OMG, I just got one of my wisdom tooth plucked out last Saturday and it still feels as if she hit me in the face with a tire iron!!! I hope you feel better soon.. I'm having some issues with leaf minor as well.. The only thing I found that works and provides me a little bit of gratification is to pull the leaves and set them aflame!!! Good luck with finding creative ways of ridding your garden of those creatures!! LOL!! Stay well my friend!!

  2. hope your on the mend LW&G. Those courgettes are definitely a polination issue l had it last summer. l got a paintbrush and hand polinated and got a bit more success. unfortunately by the time we worked out what it was the season was about done.

  3. It's great trying to grow organic but sometime we just have to do what you must to save your crops without damaging your soil. That is crazy. I have never seen anything like those before. We have leaf rollers but they affect lilac bushes and birch trees. It has been raining here 5 out of 7 days. I've been lucky to get what I have gotten so far. Will probably get some nice spuds if they don't rot from too much rain. Some are already flowering.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. I'm not sure about the courgette very possibly pollination problem. I would remove any that look like that to encourage the plant to produce more fruit. HGV is a pro. I wouldn't want to compete with him. Have a great afternoon. Best wishes Bob.

  5. Is the lump in the garlic stems the Scape forming if it's a hard neck variety?

    Also i'm sure I read somewhere a while ago about someone saying their garlic cloves were forming above ground.

  6. Sorry your having a tough time after having your wisdom teeth out. I hope you are on the mend! What sort of fertilizer are you using on the courgette?

  7. Hey friend, I can relate on the wisdom teeth issue. No fun at all. Your carrot made me laugh quite hard, be I am terribly immature, so please forgive me. Very educational pest focus, I loved that part. Your courgette just wasn't pollinated, it happen to me on every plant unless I hand pollinate. It's very easy to do with the male flower, but I find early in the year I get far more female flowers and nothing to pollinate them. Hope you get feeling better soon:))

  8. You brought back memories of pain with having wisdom teeth pulled. ouch!!!
    that was absolutely cool to watch the leaf miner. so far I haven't had the troubles with it you have had but to me it may be one of the easier pests to deal with. that is until they've hit every leaf i have lol. then that's no fun at all.
    I am happy you showed your one potato from the peel. I find it fascinating that you can get one whole potato out of nothing more than the peel!
    your carrots turned out quite nice but I know nothing about courgette or zucchinni. I'm growing a squash for the first time and that's it for this year. maybe I'll branch out later and try. I've yet to try garlic or parsnips but it is on my to try list.
    I want to thank you for sharing this. It means a lot. It's so helpful to actually see what's actually happening. Nothing wrong with reading and I do that but videos are so much more fun :-)๐Ÿ‘

  9. You are probably wondering what in God's name I'm doing watching videos at 1 am ๐Ÿ˜‚ I had an espresso at 7 pm… Your plants look fantastic! I hope you feel well soon ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. All is looking good in your beautiful garden. Eewww, those little worms ๐Ÿ› look so utterly gross LOL. Hope you feel better friend.๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. R reet marra playing catch up looking great re your courgettes to be honest I've only ever had that end rot when there young plants which is I think the plants way of not over exerting itself once there older I've never had problems and av never took the flowers off ๐Ÿ˜‰

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