Japanese Garden

Re-potting my Japanese Boxwood. 26-Mar-2023

It’s been about a month and a half since the last pruning of my Japanese Boxwood. Since then it has been in my greenhouse and has recovered nicely. I need to get it out of its broken clay pot and into something a bit more appropriate. A plastic oval training pot suites the composition just fine for the next few growing seasons.


  1. How to tell your gearing up for a big repot: we roll our sleeves up😂
    Love the new chosen front Steve❤
    And your new found love of Muck😂❤

  2. I’m a little behind Steve. Repotting season. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
    Those roots look great l I like your chosen angle. Thanks, keep growing

  3. As a novice a few questions. Why the screens? How often SHOULD you water because the roots seem. very dry ? Also why the moss on the bottom ? Another question- you were very careful NOT to destroy the roots in the beginning of the video. It would have been easier to cut at the start?

  4. Hi Steve on a video you mentioned how you made a turntable from a microwave dish,could you tell me where you bought the turning bit and how you attached it,I have the same plate salvaged from a clean up ,tfs

  5. Enjoy your channel but I watch when family is in bed and your introduction and Timelapse music is so loud I have to turn volume done then when you talk can’t hear you

  6. Great planting for a great tree. It reminds me of a north wales pasture. It needs a half buried tractor or an old t bucket in the foreground to really set the scene. That or a tiny herd of sheep.

  7. Steve, did I miss a few things. The muck for moss growth? the planting position? Far off to the left, or back (a big hill I recall) I might have to watch this one again.

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