Gardening Supplies

This may be controversial…| Easter baskets, spring cleaning, gardening, decluttering GET IT ALL DONE

This may be controversial… | GET IT ALL DONE: Easter baskets, spring cleaning, garden, decluttering

Today, I’m sharing a couple of days in my life as I get some stuff done around my house and yard! I’m sharing cleaning, decluttering, homeschooling, and gardening! I’m also sharing WHAT’S IN MY KIDS EASTER BASKETS as well as their thrifted Easter Outfits! I hope you enjoy spending a little time in my cozy corner of the internet. Thanks for being here!


PINAFORE APRON: (affiliate)
EASTER TOMB SET: (affiliate)

♫”LOVELY LOVELY SPRING” Sampled By Jake Westbrook:
♫CENTRAL PARK SUMMER by Nikolas Jones:
♫SO LONG PAL by University Six:
♫CUP OF JAZZ by Mr. Jello (feat. Cali.Arod, Farnell Newton):

organize with me,declutter with me,messy to minimal,how to declutter,minimal mom,clean with me,minimalism,minimalist,decluttering,clean declutter and organize with me,declutter and organize with me,natalie bennett messy to minimalist,satisfying declutter,cleaning motivation,2023 goals,new year resolutions 2023,how to be a minimalist,how to have a simple life,DAY IN THE LIFE,day in the life mom of 3,DAY IN THE LIFE VLOG,HOMESTEAD


  1. I thrifted gifts and shopped my sons closet for unopened gifts and regifted when he was younger. It’s smart and definitely economical 😊😊

  2. Hi! I have been looking for the bins like you store your flour and sugar in. Do you mind sharing where you found them? I’ve starting making the majority of the things we eat from scratch and the current container I have are just too small

  3. Hi Natalie,
    I follow you for a while now and you give so many nice tipps and tricks on different topics. I think my english is also getting better because I listen to more english videos including yours.
    The moment you told forget-me-not are called forget-me-not in english I was blown away. In German which is my mainlanguage they are called Vergiss mein Nicht and it is the same as if you would translate them word for word.

  4. I have always given my kids thrifted clothes and gifts! They are now 16 and 12.5 and they have never minded!

  5. We celebrate Resurrection Sunday but I know my son would enjoy some sort of little gifts so we celebrated the First Day of Spring with Welcome spring baskets that had garden seeds, wildflower seeds and little farm toys 💗

  6. I totally love your thoughts about Easter giving to your kids! My son is 17 years old and he has always loved Lego sets. What a great idea for your kids! They are great for rainy days or just after they have been playing outside and worn themselves out. I should get my son a set for Easter. He still loves those. I totally understand your thoughts about the things in your corner cabinet. I am in a chapter of my life where I don't bake as often. I have so much baking stuff and tons of cookie cutters. I have them organized and stored on shelves in the garage. I pull them out when I need them.

  7. Thrifting is not only more economical but it's better for the environment. Thrift whever you can! More people should be doing this now.

  8. I use mason jars for Plenty..I found some gallon size ones at a thrift store and 1/2 gallon ones as well I do save them big pickles jars and 1/2 gallon ones as well for all grains and pasta and I put in the jar a colored measuring cup ..(from dollar store )red or white I bought several of them to place in jars

  9. I went through part of my kitchen just the other day. I gound so many ingredients that I really wanted to cook with but due to circumstances never had. They were years expired and being brutally honest I threw so much away, because I'm never going to use them anyway so no buying it again. I did buy a hanging metal basket set I was eyeing for weeks but first needed the space for it, I'm storing potatoes, onions and such in it. I'm so happy with the result and how that nook of the kitchen turned out. Thank you for the inspiration to do this Natalie! Love the grow house! I usually put wrap over it because I have a very small suburban garden and not much room inside. I'm trying to do more this year but all in containers, so we started the tomatoes already, that are growing way to quick, some hot peppers and we'll try bell pepper, corn, cucumber, carrots and radishes and potatoes and corn. But our frost date is not until the middle of May so I really need to wait with most of this. My grandma loved lily-of-the-valley so I really want some of that in my garden eventually.

    We used to have a good will thrift toy store nearby, everything they sold was donated and the money they got went to a clothes bank in my town. I have bought so much there. Not only did I help a local good will organisation nut toys can be expensive and sometimes they plau woth it only a little while. I'n so bumbed that the store had to close.

    I'm always interested to see Easter baskets. Though I live in a Christian country (the Netherlands) we do not really have that tradition here. Usually children get some chocolate and go on a (chocolate or real) egg hunt but that's about it. But my mother-in-law is Belgian and there they have the tradition of giving things.

  10. Natalie…..
    I loved this video!!! The filming and music and all the details very well done.!!!
    Very special segment remembering your Grandma Judy and her love for beautiful flowers! God-bless you and your family!

  11. I don't mind. Thrifting gifts at all. As long as you believe that the person is going to truly enjoy said gift, I don't see any issue with it. It's when you don't put your thought and heart into a gift is when it's an issue. Personally, I live in an area where this hair stores are not great and Toys are really not a thing with the exception of an occasional really beat up gross looking stuffed animal so we buy our gifts online because personally in our area we don't have options.

  12. I remember when I was young, I got a very used shirt at a family Christmas party. It had holes and stains on it and not intentional ones either. I personally don’t gift a thrifted item but I’m not against either. Whenever I can save money!

  13. My 5 kids dont even get gifts on easter. We do experiences! Also im a mama with chronic pain (sle lupus) totally get it!

  14. I think thrifting gifts is brilliant ! They’re going to love their toys whether you spend 5$ on it or 50$ and whether it’s from eBay or the Lego store ❤

  15. Iused to love to bake! I had to stop because of a gluten sensitivy & all thr sugar causing too much inflammation. One gut-issues-gal to another, maybe less baking (flour and sugar) will help. My inflammation from those will cause my gut to make me feel funky. Love the kitchen and your sweetness that carries through in your tone. Hope you feel better soon!

  16. I do not see anything wrong with thrifting! A lot of my daughters clothes were 2nd hand!
    And thank you for sharing the true meaning of Easter! Love that you aren’t afraid to talk about Jesus!
    Yes love the beautiful Spring weather, can’t wait to do stuff outside including some DIY stuff!

  17. I love watching what you thrift for your kids! You find such great things!!

  18. I love putting together gifts with thrifted items. I just found a bunny knick knack and a wicker basket at Goodwill. I put soil and succulents in it for my mom for Easter.

  19. Love that! Great way for gifting kids get so much and only use it short term. Tip for the Lego – the bunny and chick and eggs is brand new. The one is 12.99 on Lego the other I believe is under $20 as well. The baggie is the free gift Lego is giving out currently with $79 purchases. Just so you know!! And if you buy from Lego you get cash rewards!

  20. Would you ever do a video on homeschooling (or have I missed it) I’m considering homeschooling and I’d love to here more about it! 🫶🏼 sending prayers to you & your entire family in this time of grief. Our family experienced a similar tragedy & I know there’s nothing that can be said to make it easier but I will definitely continue to send my prayers for comfort 💕🙏🏼

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