Edible Gardening

There is more to a radish than its root! Try the beans.

Many people only associate a radish with the edible root, but you can also eat the greens as well as the seeds. I discovered this a few years back and radish beans quickly became my favorite part of the plant.

#shorts #radishes #garden #gardening #homestead #homesteading #farming #farm #raisedbedgarden #growyourownfood

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for this! These little known facts about the food we grow are educational and fascinating. Unfortunately I can't grow anything because the squirrels come and dig everything up and scarf it down before I can get to it. The worst part is with tomatoes where they will take one eat a bite out of it drop it take the next one eat a bite out of it and drop it. It's a wasteful! Eat a whole one and I won't feel so badly. And leave some for me!

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