
Sarah Raven’s Garden Evolution, & some great tips.

Bunny chats to Sarah Raven about how she created her garden, her favourite plants, and her tips for making a beautiful garden.

Sarah Raven burst onto the scene with her book ‘The Cutting Garden’ in 96, and then she designed a Chelsea Garden in 1998. Sarah best known for her bold use of colour has a highly successful business,, selling flowers, homeware, plants and of course her books, including her latest ‘A Year Full of Veg.’

#sarahraven #organicgardeningtips


  1. Thank you! This was just fascinating. So much interesting information. I have wanted to plant Alliums. Now I have even more reason.

  2. I have had a terrible time with rose replant disease. Could you do an updated video of what is working at the moment?

  3. I don't think salvias, pellies or allium have the slightest effect on blackspot.

  4. I admire so much that Sarah Raven is totally organic in her gardening practices using homemade compost and a lot of cow manure to control weeds!

  5. Really enjoyed this interview. Thanks. Really appreciated the breadth & depth of questions and answers from how personal relationships feed into gardens, to ground conditions of the land. Sarah has an intimate understanding of her garden and landscape which was fascinating to hear

  6. This was such a great interview. Thanks so much for producing it. Love the tip about salvias and roses. And the encouragement about companion planting. Thank you to both of you.

  7. Wonderful discussion, thanks for sharing! Sarah Raven has unfortunately stopped posting videos, she is difficult to find in Europe.

  8. How do you guys afford these massive properties? Are we going to call it "hard word" too just for fun?

  9. Found the information and insight to planning and placing so valuable. Getting anxious to be working outside, here in Alberta, Canada, we still have snow and ice.

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