Gardening Supplies

Composting for Beginners | A Market Gardener’s Guide

Today’s video is all about a simple recipe for compost making.

This video addresses: compost simplified, compost making for beginners, carbon and nitrogen, carbonaceous materials and nitrogenous materials, leaves, wood chips, compost temperatures, compost turning, and more.

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  1. Ive got a pretty big pile im trying to get jumpstarted back up with some chicken maunre, and jlf. i also run bokashi buckets, when my plants find a bucket its a explosion of green growth.

  2. Do you have any irrigation content? I’m needing guidance on how/what for ground drip/soak systems.

  3. I started this stuff a couple years ago when we got chickens. I was going through the bed and we got a shit ton of that mycorr-fungus stuff and an absolutely insane amount of worms. Tell you what the no till garden has a great upside. 2 years I dropped 130 pounds, almost 43 and in incredible shape. I may get a six pack this year!!! I've got a weird hobby though and that's turning through the compost pile. Love watching the chickens act like predators for once. Should I kick them out of the compost? They are kind of my motivation and I still feel like it's a shit ton of worms.

  4. Hello. At the age of 53. I still ask my mom to slow down when ever we pass pig farms. Ah yes smelly stuff for men is well,awesome.😅

  5. we really appreciate your videos but gotta say this one is very valuable. it appears you don't have chickens etc. bc you are putting veggies like squash in the pile. if you do why not give it to them…? FAMOUS FOR BIGGEST BUSTOP???? how about MUSICIANS!! & coal mining??? IF YOU ARE IN 6B growing zone – does that mean you are in eastern part of your state near the Appalachian mountains in the piedmont areas?

  6. I rake my leaves in a pile and add brush, the bedding from the chicken coop( which is straw) and then I add kitchen scraps and a lot of coffee grinds. I haven't been getting the best compost but I was also spraying the pile with water from the hose.

  7. I do bokashi and cold compost. I have horse manure readily available down the road from me. In Norway our season is short so hot composting isn't really feasible for me. But I'm good with what I can get since any is better than none.

  8. Go one step further, and use a mesh cage, 4×4 foot is a minimum size

  9. I used to sweat over compost. Now, I get wood chips as I can, lawn clippings when I can, all our garden waste, and all our table waste, and throw it in a pile in the chicken pen. Pile it back up occasionally, and top the garden off with it when not much else is going on in mid winter.

  10. Wow! Another super great video. There's only one thing you didn't cover (or did I miss it?). The smaller the chunks, the quicker they compost. Chopping, chipping, grinding…. all of this can make composting take weeks instead if months. The down side is it's tougher to get oxygen into a pile of smaller pieces, so sometimes a mix of sizes makes a pile breathe better. But Man! Great video. Remember that compost seems like more of an art than a pure science.

  11. With organic certification: 77degrees Celsius as a max temp is VERY high! I find this VERY weird, as at 67 degrees the pile generally will become too hot, the microorganisms too active and so anaerobic, creating a breeding ground for anaerobic organisms (the baddies).

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