Gardening Trends

Indoor Plant Trends | Volunteer Gardener

Chic and trendy, today’s indoor plants are as much about décor as they are greenery. Matt Kerske introduces us to new and dramatic foliage for the home.
Plants featured:
Sanseviera (Snake plant) ‘Bantel’s Sensation’
Sanseviera cylindrica
Ficus lyrata (fiddle-leaf fig)
Epipremnum aureum
Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen) ‘Siam Red’
Davallia fejeensis (Rabbit foot fern)
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (zz plant)
Crassula ovata (Jade plant)
Aloe spinosissima (spider aloe)
Cereus peruvianus
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  1. …. that's not an epipremnum aureum (pothos), it's a philodendron silver or scindapsus pictus. And I'm pretty sure that wasn't a maidenhair fern either.

  2. This is an excellent presentation. I've added a couple suggestions to my shopping list. Thank You.

  3. Where is this place so I can come get some plants?. I have alot already but it's never enough . I lived in Minnesota and I got most of plants at Lowe's or Walmart and it pretty pricey.

  4. I’m Montagnard indigenous live in North Carolina, I have fiddle leaf pig two of them they are so lovely.

  5. The ZZ plant you showed around 4 minutes: i have a zz plant that lives indoors and gets a lot of sun and water and was planted in almost pure compost-it's a beast with some leaves 3 feet tall. It's a complete misconception that it likes it dark and with little water.

  6. Pretty sad when a "professional" nursery can't identify plants correctly and gives bad advice. That pothos was not a pothos and the maidenhair was not a maidenhair. ZZ do not grow their best in very low light and depending on the variety, can get BIG. How you water a plant depends on if the container has drain holes or not?! You NEVER plant any plant in a container without holes! The pretty containers sold without holes are cache pots! You are supposed to use them as cover pots for the plant in a grower's pot that has the holes!

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