
Wildlife Gardening Tips

Would you like to attract more wildlife into your garden? Here are some tips and tricks from Fiona the Gardener and friend of Wildlife World. Or read more here

Top Five Tips:
Trees and Shrubs – grow a variety to provide shelter and food for different birds and animals. Even in a small, urban garden, a low growing evergreen shrub with fallen leaves underneath can provide an ideal hidey hole for a hedgehog.

Flowers for Pollination: Choose flowers that attract bees, butterflies and moths into the garden. Take a look at our seeds and bulbs here Simple, open blooms offer pollen easily to visiting insects and bell flowers are irresistible to bees. Try to provide a continuity of flowering throughout the seasons. And resist temptation to cut everything back straight away at the end of the summer.

Water for Wildlife: Have some water in the garden even if it’s only an upturned dustbin lid. The presence of water will attract birds, insects, frogs and other animals. But ensure any water source has a means of escape like shallow sides, stones or logs.

Feed the Birds: if you provide a food source, the birds will come to investigate. Offer a variety of food and from different ways such as ground feeding and hanging feeders. You can see our full selection of food here

Natural Areas: Keep part of your garden wild, even if it’s only a small corner. Leave grass uncut and don’t dig up the ‘weeds’. And if you can build a log pile or have a compost heap, then all the better.


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