Gardening Supplies

Garden Rotation Made Easy / Healthier Plants

I would consider this ‘video 1’ toward the many chapters that will unroll in this category. Crop Rotation and Companion Planting are the two main points we’ll focus on this Spring, we’re going to simplify what goes where and why, and by mid summer we should start to see the fruits of our efforts!


  1. Nina, you're doing GREAT !!! You got it all DOWN. Rotate crops, prep soil, movable potted plants, etc. etc. OK, no more kibitzing from me (well, maybe a LITTLE, now and then…we'll see…). Hey, Josh. …and say hello to your Mom, for all of us. All the best, from Florida.

  2. gee gils;;;;my how time flies;;;;;as having a male dominated audience this one was packed full of information for gardeners;;''think this was the fastest talking I have heard from you;;;;as I knew most of the info I could keep up;;;I think that all were waiting for that moment;;;;lol;;;wondering if you are trying wicking tubs for growing veggies;;;;nothing to the imagination on patrion ???? wishing here that that is all the patrion is for because I enjoy the hunting, fishing, and gardening and the beauty you and your feller bring to us;;;;yes I do admire your beauty as well;;;I have watched you frow from HLC to here;;;;I have daughters and have watched them grow and bless me with grandchildren and proud of them;;;;sometimes you remind me of mine with your actions;;;;anyway I'm happy to see the progression from HLC looking prosporous for you and hope you keep entertaining us with your knowledge,expeditions into nature and fishing;;;;still waiting for that big buck,;;big catfish and or ocean critter;;;lol;;;;we all say bigger is not necessary but when bigger is caught on camera we tend to look a little more proud;;;;;hmmmmm;;;;girl;;;another good one;;;pink looks good on you;;;a big thumbs up and keep Josh happy and keep em comin;;;;

  3. Native Americans were so far advanced…. The never let a square inch of soil be wasted. They planted the big crop first Corn then the beans to climb the corn stalk and squash/ melon / cucumbers/ gourds to cover the ground to weed free the area!!!!!


  5. Been following this Michigan girl ever since you did the dock dance in your rubber boots on HL&C. Absolutely love your gardening content and this video is hands down your best yet. As good as the dock dance was, your gardening content is hands down your best. Although we are sad we didn't win no free seeds 😢. God bless you kiddo and all the best to Mr. Josh, from one ol' vet to another…

  6. Just discovered your channel. I love it. "Subscribe' button has been hit. I'm still going through your videos, so maybe its there, just didn't see it yet, but I know nothing about gardening, want to start, but get frustrated by all my attemps being destroyed by bugs before can even get anything. I tried Tomatoes, when first green beauty appeared, the plant was covered in thousands of white tiny bugs and plant died in 3 days. Tried squash, again first hint of it starting to grow, plant killed by thousands of bugs. I spray, only for them to return within 24 hours. $50 worth of chemcals to get one fruit. Its cheaper to just buy it at the store at that rate. Good tips on companion planting.

  7. You are such a cool chick. Most young people don't have a clue what you are talking about. I've been growing food for over 50 years, great video, maybe this will be helpful for others to learn something. 💕

  8. love your content💙🔥🍻💪😎🎣 do you guys ever trap crawfish or crabs over there where you live at? 🦀🦞

  9. Put those egg shells and used coffee grounds into your garden. Any unused lettuce will help also. Anything that won't draw in possums and raccoons. Old mushrooms will help too. Till that in to the soil to enrich. As the little boy said while peeing in the ocean, "Every drop helps!".

  10. Nina, I sounds like you learned your lessons well from your Mom. Gook luck on the garden. Ready for more garden and fishin'.

  11. As a farmer I'm impressed with your knowledge. And of course as a heterosexual male. I'm impressed with everything else. 😍

  12. Why are you sitting there showing half of your breasts but not all of them? You’re not trying to get subscribers off of your content alone you need to throw them out as well

  13. Love what u're doing. Last year I planted potatoes early Feb then after had dug a few potatoes I planted Jackson Wonder speckled beans beside my potatoes to help build the soil.

  14. The important thing is to keep the enthusiasm and continue to do what you do, think positively and always work at the best quality. I'm always very happy to see you work well

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