Gardening Supplies

Twitter Arduino Automated Gardening System w/ Light & Water control, Xbee, & RTC

This is the 3rd iteration of my “garduino” project. The whole idea is to be able to grow your own organic, chemical-free foods in a closed urban environment without any green space. I also want the small indoor garden to be relatively self automated, requiring little work from the owner. This is my newly planted automated gardening system. I use XBees to send data back to my desktop computer, where a python script reads and parses the serial data from the arduino and posts status updates on my garden’s twitter account ( I also use a RTC (real time clock) to keep persistent time so that events can be triggered correctly.

I used mostly these tutorials:

The first tutorial is a good overview of the basics, but then I added Xbee functionality and some of the “upgrades” from the second tutorial (which is based on the first). Instead of building my own relays I used this 4-relay module from Amazon:

I also used a DS-1307 Real Time Clock (RTC). Here is a good breakout module from Adafruit: (You can also get them for really cheap off ebay).


  1. I'm glad you liked the project- I haven't had the time to put together a proper tutorial just yet, but when I do I'll definitely post it here (w/ code, too & parts list). However, for this project I used the tutorials I just added in the description 🙂 Really the only thing that I added was a DS-1307 Real Time Clock (RTC), and I took away the photocell (I thought it was really not useful because there really is no outside light)

  2. This is great! I can't wait to see the next update and your tutorial. Are you able to get the system to respond to twitter replies. What I mean is, if you reply to it's current status with something like "#watersystem", could you receive the signal at the system and activate the automated watering process. That'd be neat.

    Regardless, great job so far.

  3. It says 1023 because moisture is at 100% and it's showing you the 10-bit number instead of 100%.

  4. I have some urban garden projects and would like to get your consulting to help in the control design can i contact you direct?

  5. I Really like what you did! I am not a noob asking you to help me then gives a long list of what I have dreamed of and by help they usually mean write the code breadboard it for them and post a video showing them how to do it!! I know the basics of IDE sketches and codes. I just need to know what you used software wise in the sketch for the moisture sensor or the link I prefer to learn myself. What components did it require, Basically how do I learn this as you said you did??????? I have checked many Tutorials and Learning Systems too just dont see it, with a quick look. I subbed to your channel to support your efforts please respond! TY

  6. OH I think I may be wrong the PCB mounts used are called "stand offs". I think I not a smartass, Grammer Nazi or Dudley do right, just trying to help.

  7. Another question did you add the time in the twitter update to get past the Twitter block of multiple postings of the same thing that has beeen a problem for me????

  8. Hey bud love the setup any chance I could get a parts list of what you used. I would really appreciate it. I just hate buying a bunch of Arduino kits would rather buy specific pieces. Let me kno. Thank you

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