Gardening Trends

Spinach a supperfood #spinach #popeyethesailorman #Florentine#Spinach-day #superfood #persianfood

National Spinach Day – March 26
Exciting facts about Spinach
Exciting facts about the supperfood called Spinach.

Video Description
This short video is about the Spinach Which is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese and magnesium, #Spinach is considered a #superfood because it is packed with nutrients.
Spinach is believed to have originated in #Persia (modern-day #Iran) and was introduced to #Europe in the #12thcentury.
In the 1930s, U.S. spinach growers credited the cartoon character #Popeye for a 33% increase in spinach consumption.
In some parts of the world, spinach is used in #traditionalmedicine to treat conditions like #constipation, #skinproblems , and #anemia.

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