Edible Gardening

Homestead Garden Update | Seedlings + Flowers I’m Growing

Hey Friend!

Come on a mini March garden tour and see the updates we’ve made and the projects we still have yet to do on the Homestead. I’ll show you how the seedlings are doing and share the varieties of flowers I’m growing. Let’s dream of warmer, sunnier days together!

Thanks for watching 🙂

My friend Heather’s channel for more garden and eating what you grow inspiration:

My favorite sites to order seeds

Find your last frost date here: https://www.almanac.com/gardening/frostdates

Check out some of my other gardening videos:
How to start seeds indoors: https://youtu.be/oiERhKQ9rGs
How to plan a garden: https://youtu.be/Shge2Kgmkqs

My favorite garden tools:
Gorilla garden cart: https://amzn.to/3yL5kxY
Hori Hori tool: https://amzn.to/3yHhfNc
Weeding Sickle: https://amzn.to/3ZUmzJ8
Garden Hoe: https://amzn.to/3JpVlDa
Weed barrier: https://amzn.to/3yJGJJT
kneeling pad: https://amzn.to/3TmRXNV

* All links are affiliate links. It is no extra cost to you to use them and in doing so you are supporting this channel and my family. Thank you!


  1. Well, I guess I’m totally your people! I loved seeing all the beautiful flowers you’ll be growing. I also started some flower seeds although not as many as you. My goal is to grow what I would purchase for assembling my hanging baskets and large pots. Traditionally I always use geraniums, they were something my gramma always grew. I, my mom, and my sister always have them in our containers. I was very surprised how quickly they germinated! It gave me a feeling of success just seeing them pop through the dirt lol. I’ll be starting some additional seeds this weekend as well as planting onion sets, radishes, peas and potatoes outside. It will feel good to have stuff planted outside in the dirt. Anyway, loved seeing your space and I’m looking forward to seeing all those beautiful flowers grow.
    God Bless you and thanks for sharing.

  2. So happy to have found your channel. I'm in South Central PA as well so it is great having someone to follow who is in the same growing area as I am.

  3. Are you familiar with the YouTube channel called “You Can’t Eat the Grass”? They’re a flower farm in Canada and I really think you’d enjoy seeing all that they produce.

  4. I'm excited to have found your channel as well. I too am in south central Pa and every time i hear you say that i wander how far apart we actually are. Its nice knowing that when u mention what works for you or what grows for you it is probable for me too. We just had all the wind you were mentioning so i felt that, lol.

  5. So amazing what all your growing! Do you use seed potatoes for your potatoes and if so where do you get them? Thanks!

  6. The wind was so crazy! I avoided outside as much as I could, but I preferred that over lots of snow! Love seeing the garden setup.

  7. We’ve tried growing from seeds a few times and they get to about the size you show and no bigger. This year we got already established plants for our garden but we need to get the hang of seeds. Much cheaper! Doing a flower garden is on my list for next year. My daughter loves picking flowers and making bouquets and I love having them in the house too! We planted a few flower seeds just to see how it goes this year but it’s not a focus.
    Also, you’ve made me realize I need to add a picnic table to my wish list! 😂

  8. my apricot asters took longer than anything else to germinate. They came up nearly the same time as my celery.

    I mean I grow lots of food as well but the flowers make it all so lovely!! I can't wait to be able to go outside for more than a day at a time in between cold snaps or wind. Great job!! It will all be so worth it!

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