Vegetable Gardening

Is this the end of it? Harvesting taters! Be aware this week!

Is this the end of the cold weather that will threaten our gardens? We sure hope so. Today we are pulling taters and carrots that we grew in 27 gallon containers. You can grow a lot in small spaces. Also be aware this week of some thing that could trigger bad behavior.


  1. I have Manny cucumbers in my greenhouse soon ready to eat. Don't forget to try parthenocarpic varieties of zucchini too.

  2. Jill! Carrots and taters are looking great. Yardwork today cleaning out the fig trees. I think I need to pressure can something this week 😅😅

  3. Hi Kid. Love your high tunnel. My Taters are are sitting on a sunny window sill chitting.

  4. Hey there buddy—those spuds and carrots are beautiful. All your stuff looks great actually! You guys are working hard and it is paying off. Encourages us to keep on trucking.
    A few gardeners at church say they are not putting anything into the ground down here in Southeast Texas until good Friday.
    I like your 'do some now and some later' approach. A few years ago on May 4 I got up to go to a church picnic and there was ice on my windshield. Lord knows.
    Alright…take care of yourselves…keep praying. We don't have people who are perfect wanting to run our country; we just have to back who is the best choice….hopefully a scrap of Christian values in their mind. Jesus bless.

  5. I think it's been over ten years, but do you remember what time of year it was the year we had snow on Easter? We didn't wear our pretty spring Easter dresses. We'd have frozen. I'm late, but I'm gonna plant my onions, celery, and potatoes this week. I certainly won't get anything if I don't try. I didn't start anything else. January and February were very bad with my illness. I'm gonna start them for the second summer run. If you wouldn't mind I'd appreciate your prayers concerning my garden work this year and the work a firefighter that has done all things garden prep, and lawn care for the past several years. I've contacted him twice and haven't heard a peep. It doesn't take much to just shut me down. I'm older, not in a conditioned state, and can't take the heat well. I already bought my head light so I can go out and water at five o'clock in the morning or earlier. My gardening skills have been less than stellar these past three years. I plan and it seem like God laughs. I'm not gonna just up and quit, but it may just be a lean garden work year for me. I just can't seem to not fret over my soil either, it's in a terrible condition. I've still got so much to learn. I'm so thankful I found your channel!!! ❤ and 🙏's. Vickie

  6. We're suppose to hit 29 tonight. I've got my potatoes covered and my seedlings inside. I planted some Enroza tomato seeds this year due to yours last year. They are just emerging. Can't wait to try them. Everything is looking great in your high tunnel. You can see all the hard work ya'll are doing.

  7. Looking awesome! Those little red new potatoes can be used right away for cooking. No need to "cure" them. Matter of fact, they don't really store all that well, so use them or can/dehydrate them straight from the garden if you are able. It's the bigger potatoes like Russets and baking-type potatoes that need to cure to be stored, but can also be used right after harvesting if you need them.
    I had not heard about the potential thing on Tuesday. I'll look into that. We picked up a full load of feed today and got that stored away, bursting at the seams. I'll be planting in the ground this next week, starting around Wednesday or Thursday. Been crocheting like a maniac to keep myself calm. Chomping at the bit to get the garden going and the waiting was making me irritable. Yarn through my fingers seems to help. At least I feel like I'm getting something accomplished. Hubs said something about the cost of my "yarn habit" and I let him know he could either have me calm and occupied or cranky and at loose ends. He chose wisely.
    Love and (non-cranky) hugs.

  8. Beautiful otatoes and carrots! Go ahead and eat those taters – skins are nice and tender. Blessings!

  9. Tuesday, don't be caught in a trap. Personally, I think it's all spaghetti. Desperate attempt to prevent another term for our favorite.

  10. I’ve uppotting my tomatoes while watching your encouragement. I will start green beans next. Sad about Tuesday, but it is a big time distraction from all the bank failures.

  11. When did you throw those red potatoes in the dirt? How long was it to get your "baby crop"? (My favorite size😊) Thanks!

  12. Nice picture of the sun simulator 👍 God bless. Just stopped in. Great vid


  14. Love watching your feed Jill. I’m north of you all in the Keller area. I have 2) green stalks and love them. I planted sweet potatoes in the lower tier of both. They did great and I’ll do it again! I’ve over wintered bunching onions and herbs. Take care

  15. 🍿🥤 getting ready for Tuesdays movie. I hear there is a delima with secret service. They can’t allow anyone to even touch the president 😂. They will arrest him and like all the other law suits he came up clean. But what this does is set a presidence like disclosing his irs documents. They forced him to provide them and they got nothing. Now they can arrest the real crooks with public acceptance. No one is above the law. 😉👍🇺🇸

  16. I have some squash already started in 4 in pots, and I chose varieties that mature early, hoping to beat the squash vine borers. One variety is Blonde Beauty, a hybrid, with a 40 day maturity. I'm hoping for squash by May 1. I planted cool weather crops in black fabric pots that I kept on the patio. Between the black fabric, the concrete beneath, and a brick wall behind them, the plants had a warm microclimate and did really well–better than the same plants in the ground–and I've been harvesting spinach, lettuce, kale and scallions all winter.

  17. Yes, everyone needs to pray and keep your heads on a swivel. 😔 May God intervene in this fakery thats going on.🙏🙏🙏

  18. I have taters growing ALL OVER the place. I did not know that tater skins don't compost. At least not very well. ALL of those skins are growing all in my raised beds… I never thought I would be pulling taters out from around my maters. 😄 But, I have learned a valuable lesson! If you peel your taters like I do, throw those skins in a bucket of rich compost and leave them alone..they will grow all by themselves. I think we seriously overcomplicate things! 😏😆 Tony from Simplified Gardening, had the same thing happen. I think he got 200 pounds of potatoes out of his compost bin.

  19. It is quite exciting to see things green up. I regret not planting hundreds of dollars worth of wildflowers so my lack of mowing would look intentional.

  20. I’m with you. Not far from your location. I have my tomatoes ready to plant and hoping to harden off this week. Heat is so intense here you have to get it in to get any harvest. Just asked my husband for a high tunnel. He agreed. By fall I should have one. YES!!! I’m wondering did you add shade cloth to the top of your tunnel? I have seen some do this.

  21. HI everything looks green and lush. Potatoes and carrots sure are pretty.. Agree a pot of potatoes and green beans sure would taste good and a slice of cornbread on the side.

  22. Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. – Ecclesiastes11:4

  23. Lovely carrots! Potatoes look nice, good color. I believe they have to cure up to 2 weeks, unwashed, just brush dirt off and spread them out in cool dry dark place. I barely learned the curing part when was gifted some last year. I'm just learning to plant them this year. Got few in raised bed and buckets after mid Feb. I'm in same area, I believe a bit north of you in Tarrant co. Got my bed covered, hoping won't get too cold! It was kinda nice out today.

  24. Looks good. I hope you get all you need and want from what you are growing. I agree that people need to stay cool about you know. We all need to keep in mind that this could be a trap. Stay cool folks.

  25. You have me wondering if we could grow potatoes in our greenhouse, but we are done 7 and it gets colder here. At any rate, we bought “too many” (is there such a thing?) seed potatoes & got at least half in the ground yesterday—hopefully we’ll get the rest in after church today. Thanks for the caution of events this week. I had heard about it but had not considered the unrest that is too common when things happen. ❤

  26. Spring is upon us today so hope this cold weather is done!! Ready to get our plants planted this coming weekend! Nice potatoes and perfect size!! Thank you for sharing the power tower plants that you planted. Also The carrot tubs how many holes did you put in the bottom of those tubs? That arrest is politcal crap and should not happen! It is a cold one the Monday morning of Spring! Our chicks are growing nicely and the birds in our backyard are happy to have food and water on this cold day. Planning on planting a few more seeds that did not germinate the first time. Thanks for sharing all you do!! Debi

  27. Wow you got a lot of potatoes and carrots. Thats awesome. Our weather was nice and now were getting hit with another storm here in Az.

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