
Celery Growing Basics. Add your tips below ๐Ÿ‘‡ #celery #basics #tips

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Basic tips on how to grow Celery

1. Choose a location with fertile, well-draining soil and full sun or partial shade for your celery plants.
2. Start celery seeds indoors in early spring and transplant seedlings outdoors once the danger of frost has passed.
3. Water your celery plants regularly, making sure not to let the soil dry out completely, as celery prefers consistently moist soil.
4. Fertilise your celery plants with a balanced fertiliser every few weeks during the growing season, and consider adding a high-nitrogen fertiliser when the plants are about 15cm (6 inches) tall.
5. Harvest your celery stalks when they are about 20-25cm (8-10 inches) long, and blanch them by wrapping them in paper or cardboard for about 2-3 weeks before harvesting to improve their colour and flavour.

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