Gardening Supplies

Best Vertical Hydroponic Tower Garden for Indoor or Outdoor Gardening

John from visits Lettuce Grow in Los Angeles to share with you the best vertical tower garden he has found: the Lettuce Grow Farmstand, a hydroponic grow tower that grows 36 plants in just 4 square feet of space and can be used indoors or outdoors.

In this episode, you will learn about the Lettuce Grow FarmStand which is a Los Angeles Based Company that was started to make it easier for people to grow their food at home. They guarantee you will have green thumbs instead of black thumbs because they have made this the easiest-to-use hydroponic tower garden I have ever seen.

First, you will see the Lettuce Grow Farmstand in action, growing outdoors in March in Los Angeles. You will see full-size vegetables, it is growing including broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage, napa cabbage, lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes, edible flowers, and much more. You will discover why the Lettuce Grow Farmstand is foolproof because they do all the hard work for you and will even send you healthy plant starts that are guaranteed to grow in your hydroponic tower garden.

Next, you will discover how the Lettuce Grow Tower Garden can be used indoors with an energy-efficient LED light kit so you can grow your vegetables year-round. You will see inside the warehouse and the R&D they are doing with the Lettuce Grow to ensure you have the best results.

You will learn why John prefers the Lettuce Grow Farmstand over the Tower Garden and the improvements in the Lettuce Grow that ensure you have the best gardening experience.

You will discover how you can quickly set up a lettuce grow farmstand in your home and how easy it is to add water and nutrients and even plants so you can start growing food today even if you have never done it before.

Finally, John will interview Niels who is the director of horticulture at Lettuce Grow and you will learn what sets lettuce grow apart from the other competitors on the market, and how Lettuce Grow makes it easier for beginners or experts alike to start growing food at home.

Jump to the following parts of the Episode:
00:00 Episode Starts
01:08 Lettuce Grow Farmstand – Vertical Farming
02:09 Full-Size Head of Broccoli
03:06 Fresh Sugar Snap Peas
03:26 Full-Size Cauliflower
03:39 Grow Edible Flowers
04:10 Full-Size Red Cabbage
04:37 Eat a Salad a Leaf at a Time
05:01 Why Growing Your Own is Better than Buying Store-Bought Food
06:08 Growing Strawberries in the FarmStand
06:48 Growing Tomatoes in the Vertical Farmstand
07:12 Edible Flowers – Violas – Save Money
08:00 Root System on Lettuce Plant
08:23 This Save 98% water over traditional Farming
08:48 Why Lettuce Grow? Service & Plant Starts
09:59 Lettuce Grow Provides you the Baby Plants So You Succeed instead of Fail
13:17 What Sets Lettuce Grow Apart
11:56 Lettuce Grow Warehouse Research & Development
12:23 Light Ring Kit to Grow Indoors
13:02 Use this Vertical Garden Outdoors or Indoors
13:44 Use this if you Grow indoors
14:12 Red Bok Choi Roots
14:32 Indoor 6 Level Lettuce Grow Farm Stand with Light Kit
14:45 Why I prefer the Lettuce Grow Farmstand Instead of the Tower Garden
15:25 This Design is Curvy.
16:04 This is Made in the USA
16:30 How to Set up the Lettuce Grow
18:30 90-Day Return Policy
19:40 Setting up Water Pump
21:17 Planting Starts in the Lettuce Grow Farm Stand
21:45 Easy to Add Nutrients to the Lettuce Grow
24:45 Grow a lot of food in 4 square feet of space
25:50 CEO office – Lettuce Grow Nook
27:10 Interview with Niels – Director of Horticulture
27:24 Why was Lettuce Grow Started?
28:55 Why can everyone grow food in the lettuce grow?
32:08 Why was the lettuce grow designed outdoors and indoors?
34:52 Can I grow outdoors in the Summer and Indoors in the Winter?
36:10 Why was this system designed without an app or any meters?
38:36 Why do you have 4 greenhouses around the country?
40:45 What does Lettuce Grow do to be more sustainable?
41:52 Are the Farmstands made in the USA?
42:12 Tell me about the 90-day return policy
43:00 How does lettuce grow to donate farm stands to schools?
44:38 Why should someone go with lettuce grow instead of another system?
46:02 What I like about the Lettuce Grow Farmstand
47:20 What Words of Wisdom Do you want to share?
48:54 SAVE $75 on a Farmstand use coupon GYG75

After watching this episode, you will learn the guaranteed way to grow vegetables indoors or outdoors even if you don’t have any growing experience. You will learn how foolproof the Lettuce Grow Farmstand is to use and set up. You will also learn how to save $75 off your purchase.

Referenced Episodes
Why every gardener should grow purple vegetables:

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  1. Jump to the following parts of the Episode:

    01:08 Lettuce Grow Farmstand – Vertical Farming

    02:09 Full-Size Head of Broccoli

    03:06 Fresh Sugar Snap Peas

    03:26 Full-Size Cauliflower

    03:39 Grow Edible Flowers

    04:10 Full-Size Red Cabbage

    04:37 Eat a Salad a Leaf at a Time

    05:01 Why Growing Your Own is Better than Buying Store-Bought Food

    06:08 Growing Strawberries in the FarmStand

    06:48 Growing Tomatoes in the Vertical Farmstand

    07:12 Edible Flowers – Violas – Save Money

    08:00 Root System on Lettuce Plant

    08:23 This Save 98% water over traditional Farming

    08:48 Why Lettuce Grow? Service & Plant Starts

    09:59 Lettuce Grow Provides you the Baby Plants So You Succeed instead of Fail

    13:17 What Sets Lettuce Grow Apart

    11:56 Lettuce Grow Warehouse Research & Development

    12:23 Light Ring Kit to Grow Indoors

    13:02 Use this Vertical Garden Outdoors or Indoors

    13:44 Use this if you Grow indoors

    14:12 Red Bok Choi Roots

    14:32 Indoor 6 Level Lettuce Grow Farm Stand with Light Kit

    14:45 Why I prefer the Lettuce Grow Farmstand Instead of the Tower Garden

    15:25 This Design is Curvy.

    16:04 This is Made in the USA

    16:30 How to Set up the Lettuce Grow

    18:30 90-Day Return Policy

    19:40 Setting up Water Pump

    21:17 Planting Starts in the Lettuce Grow Farm Stand

    21:45 Easy to Add Nutrients to the Lettuce Grow

    24:45 Grow a lot of food in 4 square feet of space

    25:50 CEO office – Lettuce Grow Nook

    27:10 Interview with Niels – Director of Horticulture

    27:24 Why was Lettuce Grow Started?

    28:55 Why can everyone grow food in the lettuce grow?

    32:08 Why was the lettuce grow designed outdoors and indoors?

    34:52 Can I grow outdoors in the Summer and Indoors in the Winter?

    36:10 Why was this system designed without an app or any meters?

    38:36 Why do you have 4 greenhouses around the country?

    40:45 What does Lettuce Grow do to be more sustainable?

    41:52 Are the Farmstands made in the USA?

    42:12 Tell me about the 90-day return policy

    43:00 How does lettuce grow to donate farm stands to schools?

    44:38 Why should someone go with lettuce grow instead of another system?

    46:02 What I like about the Lettuce Grow Farmstand

    47:20 What Words of Wisdom Do you want to share?

    48:54 SAVE $75 on a Farmstand use coupon GYG75
    Learn More & Buy at use coupon code GYG75 at checkout to SAVE $75 off your purchase.

    Lettuce Grow YouTube:

  2. i can rent a garden at that price plus they seem to make money on nutrients ,so why make it so expensive …i hope their lettuces grows cus i aint buying their tower ….

  3. DUDE! its $700 for the 36 plant! LOLOL…Folks, get yourself a custom larger gutter system and mount on the wall. Less than a $200 and it will be 5 rows of 12 FEET!! You dont WANT to use PLASTIC, it WILL OFF GAS regardless of the type!! I love John, but this is not a good answer for MANY. maybe for some. I can see it for around $200

  4. I work as a gardening advisor for retirement homes in my local area and I do mention some low effort/bending free gardening styles like the Lettuce Grow kit. I've been very skeptical of these products, especially at their price points, but John you've done a lot to clear up some hesitation.

    appreciate it,

  5. Vereery good! They should offer an organic Hydro nutrient mix, then it's 100% PERFECT. That's really GREAT I love it! Excellent design! Hope they can export these to the world. I'm in Australia and definitely want at least one. Also I plan to move to Asia and perhaps spend a lot of time in an apartment. I'll want a few there for sure. Plus the seedlings is a BIG help, I already grow most of my veges from seedlings, the same as you John. Hope this company takes off globally, they've got an advantage because they have a really great design. I wish them every success.👍❤🙂

  6. F, bro. I cant believe im more excited to watch this than a cannabis farm tour video. This is so cool. haha.

  7. Love your new filming setup John, did you go iphone or samsung? the depth of field really made this more engaging for me to watch and follow.

    Thanks for always growing and learning while documenting it


  8. Shame on you John, for referring to the evil hydroponic chemicals as "nutrients"… They ARE synthetic DEADRIENTS. This whole episode stinks of our Chemotocracy's propaganda bs… Living Soil is the only way to go.

  9. Think it's a good product. Just tried to buy for a family member and couldn't! I clicked shop now, next page, shop now 3 times. Then got to some buy nows and add to carts. I tried and tried… they need to find a new person to make they're website!

  10. We have had our LettuceGrow Farmstand since December and we absolutely love it! We just ordered their newest vertical grow stand The Nook and are anxiously waiting for it's arrival!!!!

  11. Hey John, thank you for your videos, I appreciate what you do. I started watching your channels along with several others about 6 years ago after a health crisis. God put a lot of information in my path to help me find my way to health. I like that you stick to what is real, what is healthy, producing nutrient dense food, restoring your soil, and not being married to some system that keeps you dependent on some corporate enterprise.

    As I watched this video I thought this is novel, I mean it uses little space, so a small footprint and you can grow a nice variety of plants. Seems simple enough from the outside, not understanding vertical hydroponics, I kept watching to learn.

    Early on in the video I had a concern, it looks like you have to exclusively buy their plants, is there not a way I can plant my own starts or have some kind of system to grow my own starts? You might check to see if there is some kind of patent that would prevent others from making starts for this as well. I mean otherwise your only source for plants is Lettuce Grow. That kind of seems like a subscription based revenue model, I mean they sell you the system up front and then every 3 or so months you have to purchase more plants from them. Since they own the device and probably have trademarks and patents you are now dependent on them (a single source) for plants.

    As you started to demonstrate the kit and how it worked I saw the fertilizer packs. It looks like those are just regular synthetic fertilizers. I did a quick search and found that the nutrient packs are an A, B Fertilizer system from JRPeters Inc a well known synthetic fertilizer company in the hydroponics, and greenhouse growing world. This is kind of concerning too, not only are you dependent on Lettuce Grow for plants, now you are dependent on JRPeters for fertilizer, what happens if you can’t get that fertilizer kit? Also the replacement fertilizer kits are not cheap, they run about $50.00 for the 2 bags.

    Another concern is it requires electricity to run, I mean if you are blessed to have solar power or run on 100% renewable energy, I guess that’s okay, but 80% of the electricity in the U.S. is from non-renewable sources. As a result 8 out of 10 Farmstands are running on Natural Gas, Coal, or Nuclear power. Sounds strange to have a nuclear powered hydroponic growing tower? (2023 right!?) If the electricity goes off, I guess you are on manual mode, pouring that synthetic slurry down the tower every 15 minutes or your plants die?

    As I watched the interview with Niels, some things started to not fit together. He said that the founder/owner started the business as a solution to problems with Cost, Freshness, and Quality for food for their family especially their children. He said “Helping people grow food at home with better nutrition and quality food.” Now hang on, the food grown in the Farmstand is grown in a plastic tower, from some synthetic slurry fertilizer, and LED lights with no soil. It is not a wild jump to think the starts are the same, grown in some kind of synthetic foam block using another synthetic slurry, Niels states the starts are grown in greenhouses. How is this any more nutritious than the non-organic, nutrient-missing, sunshineless produce at the grocery store?

    Niels then says to go to the website to order the plants. That was eye opening; I went to the website the plants are $3.99 each! That 6 plant plastic pack you showed in the beginning of the video is almost $24.00! I can buy 5 Organic Romaine at Costco for $5.00! $1.00 per organic plant versus $4.00 for a non-organic plant, Lettuce Grow is 4X as much per plant I mean that is not cost effective. You add in the cost of electricity, and fertilizer – man the food from this thing is expensive! 36 plants is $146.00!, do this every 90 days, that’s $574.56 per year. You can get 6 cell starts at Home Depot, Walmart, or Lowes for $3.99 6X the plants for the same price.

    Niels also says the plastic is recycled HDPE milk jugs, then he said “they have been recovered”. Recovered from where? You earlier read from the box “Made from recycled Ocean Bound Plastic” I didn’t really know what that meant so I looked it up. According to it means: “Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) is plastic waste defined as “at risk of ending up in the ocean” basically any plastic not in a licensed landfill that is between 50m and up to 200m from a water way. They continue to say on the website “It includes: a small fraction of commercially recyclable plastic waste; a lot of non-commercially recyclable plastic waste”. What does that really even mean? Well it means pretty much most recyclers are certified by and as a result if they use some amount of OBPCert plastic in their plastic pellets you can say made from Recycled Ocean Bound Plastic. This is not plastic recovered from the Ocean, this is I found a milk jug outside a dumpster 2 football fields away from a river. I recycled it. Now I can stamp my box “Made from recycled Ocean Bound Plastic.”

    So the plants are grown in some kind of plastic foam media, put in a plastic cage, inserted into a plastic tower, where synthetic slurry is sent by a plastic pump, through plastic pipe, to rain down on the exposed roots of the very plants you are going to eat. It is not a stretch to say that the plastic in the pump, and piping are not 100% recycled nor are BPA free. I wonder what the leaching capabilities are of that synthetic slurry as it runs through that mechanized contraption every 15 minutes soaking down the roots of your plants, your FOOD?

    I recently learned the term “Health Halo” it is used in the food industry to make unhealthy junk sound healthy. The food industry uses terms like “Natural”, “Ethical”, “Hormone Free”, “Gluten Free”, Using Agave Nectar instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup, or pretty packages with scenes from farms, happy cows, crowing roosters, chickens pecking the grassy field. Those are all just marketing. I am starting to see Health Halo’s with this product. “Grow Your Own Food”, “Made From Recycled Material”, “Started with Organic Seeds”, “Donate to Schools”, “Made in the USA” that all sounds good. But is it really?

    In the end you are buying an injected molded plastic tower, for $700.00 that probably cost $30.00 to make, comes with $30.00 worth of pipe and pumps. After you buy your $700.00 contraption you are then made dependent on Synthetic Fertilizers ($50.00 each), and are dependent on a Single Source for Plants ($574.56 a year), which are so expensive ($1374.56 first year) that Lettuce Grow offers free financing, FREE FINANCING!!!! On their website! 0% introductory APY! Really! I now have to finance my food!? This is nothing more than a vertically integrated subscription transaction model with reoccurring billing and financing. They make you dependent on them for everything! This is a ripe business model to build a strong customer base with as stable revenue source and put a big BOW on it and SELL it!

    John all of this seems to be the complete opposite of what you stand for and what I have learned from you over the years. You have always been so passionate about growing nutrient dense food. You teach people how to rejuvenate our dying soil. You talk about staying away from plastics; I started using wide-mouth mason jars after watching your videos to avoid my juices and smoothies from marinating in plastic for days. I am using Rock Dust and minerals in my garden because of what I learned from you. I have to say it is hard watching you sell this “SEXY PLASTIC SYTHETIC SLURRY SHOWERING SLAVE MACHINE” after seeing the passionate message of health and wellness you have worked so hard to share with the world. John your message makes a difference; it made a difference in my life and continues to help facilitate change. Please don’t let the pressures of this world and its false promises compromise your soul. The Cliché “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” Comes to mind, you are approaching 900,000 subscribers on your Growing Your Greens channel, with your other channels you are well over 1,000,000 subscribers with millions and millions of views. You are getting the audience you have worked so hard to find, to spread the message you have sought to shout. Please don’t compromise who you are, what you stand for! I don’t know you, and I haven’t walked a mile in your shoes, I don’t know the pressures you feel. I can see your passion, your heart for people, your desire to see change. Man John you are so close to a new level for people to hear you. Breakthrough John and be ready for the next level of what you have been called to do. Consistency builds Creditability – Creditability builds Trust – Trust builds Success. People Trust your Integrity. I will leave you with a question from the wisest person to ever walk the earth. "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world; and lose his soul? Jesus-"

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