Edible Gardening

Prepper School : The Long Game

It doesn’t matter that the future holds. The principles of preparedness give you an advantage no matter the crisis.

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Music is from Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission.


  1. Bucket/Container Gardening: EVERYTHING in my backyard is growing in 5gal buckets, including a full range of veggies, culinary herbs, and medicinal herbs. Super successful! Love this method. Read up on Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. One 5gal bucket is equal to approximately one grid of his Square Foot Garden. I use his recipe for growing medium, known as 'Mel's Mix' and I use his spacing recommendations. But instead of a typical raised bed, I use my buckets. Buckets mean I can position plants best for sun/shade needs, bring them under cover in case of severely inclement weather, and prevents spreading plants from taking over other plants. Seriously, love this method.

  2. Everything that is happening it’s been planned by the left, this is a continuation of Obama‘s policies, if Clinton would’ve gotten in she would’ve been doing exactly what Biden is doing now it would have been a continuation of Obama‘s policies, Obama wanted to destroy America, put all of us in a lower class, eliminate the middle class it will be us and them, they will be our rulers. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸%

  3. Yeah it's amazing how fast they can push a law through when they want to isn't it?? Otherwise they ignore the People or drag so much ass that it's the same result

  4. I like the thumbnail of the head of Statue of Liberty haha you will never see that, the scrappers would’ve had thing cut up and dismantled before he hit the ground.

  5. They want socialism. Period. Do not succumb to the government. They are not our friends.
    I haven't saved my money for some time. I invest it in my preps. The last thing I'd ever do is go to a movie. Hollywood isn't making a dime from me. As for eating out..if you like ingesting SOY..go for it. Suggest you don't though. Good words today Sootch🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. I have worked in a welfare office. The word entitled is used constantly. When someone applies for benefits, whether food stamps or something else, their entitlement is whatever they are eligible for. It's hurtful to the people who take pride in the fact that they work. Some day things will be better… Not supporting those people also helps those who want ubi for everyone except themselves. They'll be so busy telling the majority how to live that They'll believe they are entitled to whatever they want to take.

  7. Be careful of silver and gold sales on eBay. Many can be fake, if in doubt contact a coin shop they have tools to verify if it’s real or fake. Also applies to private sales as well.

  8. Jesus is the Word

    Let our Lord lift us, strengthen, and help us uphold The Truth.
    Jesus is The Word, John 1:1-5
    The Word God spoke: Exodus 20:1
    The Word God wrote: Deuteronomy 4:13
    and The Word God made flesh John 1:14. He is our example of The Trinity, He is The Truth.

    Yes, those Ten Commandments is Jesus. When God tells us in Deut.6:8-9 to bind and wear His Word He is placing us in His Son, Jesus.

    Jesus keeps the custom by asking those who love Him to "keep" His Words even as He kept His Father's. So if you obey God, and love Jesus, one would "keep" both the law (Ten Commandments) and the testimony (Sermon on the Mount) as instructed in Deut.

    God will preserve life, Jesus protects it. They will keep all evil from you. Put the armour of God on all those you love. May the Spirit/voice of both The Father and The Son go with us all, for from the heart the mouth speaks.

    Let the Law that hung on the cross and the Law written in your heart not just guide you, but lead you and your loved ones. As Paul would say, put on Jesus.

    Psalms 40:7
    Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,

    Hebrews 10:7
    Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

    Set your borders, protect your family, times are getting touchy, hold your ground and trust in our Lord. Be prepared both the physically and spiritually. Build up the body of Christ by 'putting on' The Lord.

    May we learn to do God’s will with the help of Jesus. Obey God, love Jesus and may we all stand in His Day. Time is short, Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. What harm can come from spreading the voice of God by doing.

    If you can believe true evil exist, then why can't we believe true good does as well. Armour up and let's fight this war of the mind. We are all warriors, so act like it.

  9. Correction: The Mortgage/Rent moratorium was directed by the CDC! No law passed by Congress…directed by the CDC!?!?!

  10. My problem with having enough capital (cash or silver per the example) to pay a year's worth of (let's say) electric is…

    How do I get a payment to the vendor if the grid or infrastructure isn't up and running.

    And paying a year in advance isn't always workable either.

    I tried to pay my utility bill six months in advance, after a month they sent me a check for the monthly bill overpayment 🤷

    Never said it was a bad idea, just saying I haven't found out to make it work for me (yet).

  11. Been to Rome. It wasn't built in a day! But the Roman Empire did fall… So, don't think American society can't fall too!

  12. Your microphone pops a lot.
    You need a popscreen.
    I could be wrong, but that sound is giving off popping from the mic. I've been listening to you, for I don't know how long. Thank you for all the information!

  13. I have recently started building a Tinder Box. For seversl reasons: 1) I always read about them, thought it was a cool idea, and just wanted one! 2) Reality being, I might need one, one day! And 3) Upping my Wildernesd / Home fire starting skills, and learning it isn't always easy to start a fire!

  14. The only thing I disagree with on your videos is that if there is nothing to buy/barter for then your cash, precious metals, etc is still going to be worthless.
    The best thing is to be self sustaining on your property and protect and produce it yourself.
    If a tragedy does happen on a large national scale then people needs to know what continuity of government is? You may not be able to leave your house to go barter and trade. You sure can't eat cash and precious metals, and they won't protect you from people that did not prepare.
    Another thing I strongly disagree with many of the preppers on youtube is is the bottom falls out from an emp attack, ALL electronics will be useless, if your cell phone is protected, cell towers will be down. Invest in non electric, non battery powered systems that are not dependent on any kind of battery or power. Oil lamps, firewood, propane, etc.

  15. I’m not going to wait to receive a handout from the government…. So they can tell me they will give me food “if” I agree with the government . I have skills… my husband does too. I grow what I can. I stay busy.

  16. Wants a look at how it will be, listen to the story of SHTF Bosnia or read 1 second after…
    Remember plan for the worse and hope for the best.. and stay in prayer always

  17. Don't worry too much about the banking crisis, they're just devaluing your money and destroying the system so they can take it over and introduce a global digital central bank currency….which won't be a problem either because the systems will be wiped when the first nukes pop.

  18. I am looking for a precious metals store in the Upstate of SC. I thought I heard you mention one in your video but can’t find which video. Close to Greenville SC.

  19. So this is huge . I live in Georgia and we had a crazy freeze this year and my pipes busted. Ok so I live in an apartment so I had to not be there for a few days. Also that was a Saturday so Thursday my debit card got stolen and I had it shut off. Well I couldn't get to the bank obviously bc it was closed. I didn't have any cash. And everything else wasn't liquid enough to get money for at that moment so without my parents I'd have been fucked. So having super liquid capital is so important. Different levels of liquid capital. In a hardcore prepped to the point I have a legit garden at the apartment I live at. Cleared out trees and everything but I didn't have any cash on hand and none of my nv, dd rifles, gas mask , etc could help me at that exact moment. So what he's saying is for real

  20. Imagine how much of our hard earned billions going to ukraine goes in the pocket of our trustworthy government.

  21. Come to the UK, only the criminals have guns, we can't even carry a locking knife or fixed blade in public without having a 'good reason' that a court/judge agrees with. The whole system is against the honest common citizen it would seem, we have very little on our side when it comes to defending ourselves.😡

  22. Hey Sootch: Longtime sub. 15 years, this summer, on the preparedness minded living tract and 10 years, this month, speaking publicly about where we’re at. And tbh the longer I pursue these values the clearer circumstances become. But not in a positive way. Look at folks from California who relocated to Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and even Montana to turn over a new leaf and homestead/develop a lifestyle away from the hordes and with a mind toward better navigating an economic collapse/ societal breakdown. Each of those states (and many more) have devolved into far left hives compared to 2008. Red’s gone purple. And purples gone blue. We’ve posted 2 W’s in 15 years. Two. (Trump 2016 and SCOTUS abortion). The L’s are innumerable since I read “Overton Window” by Glenn Beck followed by “Patriots” by Jim Rawles,15 years ago. In fact if we’ve learned anything in the scamdemic & scamlection era it should be that the unrighteous rulership already has targeted pressure points BEFORE they initiate another round of criminal, unconstitutional infringements on Americans. The idea of holing up somewhere and passively riding out a storm may work for a few months. It may work for a year. But we are up against a Luciferian international banking cabal who’ve schemed the implosion of the dollar and disarming Americans dating back to the Morgan bank run scandal of 1907. Some would argue dating back to the corporate creation of USA, Inc in 1871. My point is that unless hearts that hunger for truth and righteousness prevail among our military men & women, unless they wake up and choose liberty over empty promises of retirement quantified in a dying currency, we are all but guaranteed conflict. Conflict that none of us want and conflict that, as things stand today, would be a suicide mission. Folks? It is this conservative, Christian patriot’s opinion that the SHTF novel setting of a farm, tended by armed patriots, with only the best interest of others in their hearts is probably just that: plot drivers of SHTF fiction. The root of our cancer is that America was designed for a God fearing, Judaeo-Christian people. And whereas folks here certainly identify; many do not. Heck the entire West Coast is an occupied, morally and politically bankrupt A.O. That’s approximately 60M people. The root of our problem politically is that leftist militants throw shots to the groin, laugh and sue us into oblivion while conservatives argue “Trump or Desantis?” Hello? Anyone noticed that our election process is rank kabuki? I understand how the reticent might have doubts after 2020 and still believe; but after November 2022 to continue believing we’ll just vote in 2 years and build our bugout location and all will be well? It just doesn’t resonate anymore. It doesn’t match who this county is like it did when I arrived at the awakened table in 2008. It’s gonna take stronger medicine, friends. And no one here among us knows quite what that stronger medicine is. Keep prepping. But think outside the box. That’s what the left does and those cretins are kicking our asses and it’s getting old. Being constantly played the fool by reprobates, controllists and idiots is getting old. And buying another bucket of food isn’t making me feel any better, anymore. Anyhow I could go on and on but will spare all here from any further diatribe. “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” God bless and keep each of you 🪔

  23. PS: the Sheila Randall subplot in Survivors is one of my favorite minor characters in the entire 5 book series. I wish Rawles had dialed down the Hebrew Roots subplot in Founders and invested the page count in Sheila, Tyrone and Grandma Emily. 🫶🏻

  24. This one is different . I learned in the second grade , never play with the guy that has all the marbles .

  25. What's going on is a monolithic-world-system, with a cabal of a few super-wealthy maggots and criminal bankers, have gotten control of 95% of world governments, and use them to enforce their anti-humanity agendas. This tyranny can not be coexisted with successfully, as it grows geometrically daily in oppression, impoverishment and killing. The ONLY way to deal with this tyranny on super-steroids is for the people to organize into guerilla armies across the land(s) and to totally eradicate it. Prepping may save you a few months to a year before they euthanize you. However, history has proven mny many times that a determined few, as few as 3-5% of a given population, can and has defeated the most powerful enemy even in modern times. One of the world-system's, and thus your cabal-controlled government's agendas is to depopulate the planet by over 95% of the world's present population. If you're not organized or organizing and killing down to insignificant numbers the police and military personnel, nationwide, of you're cabal-controlled-totalitarian government, you are committing suicide by government.


  27. Business, alright. MONKEY business!
    The difference between us, and the people in Communist China, and the Russian Federation is that as long as we maintain the Constitution, we can put OUR corrupt leadership out of office. In those countries, ummm, not so much.

  28. Me? I like flint and steel. It's amazing how effective and renewable this old method of fire starting, is.
    But you have to practice it, often.

  29. “Landlords really suffered during that time.”

    Lolllll no they didn’t. Landlords are parasites.

  30. if the government goes to digital currency cash is useless and so would gold or silver right? I mean if you can only pay with credit?

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