Japanese Garden

Gardening With Ivysaur.. | Pokémon GO

I always found Ivysaur to be a very protective Pokémon, makes sense that Ivysaur from Pokémon GO is rather protective about uprooting plants..

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Ivysaur was confirmed to be based on frogs by Ken Sugimori in a Japanese interview, where he described the Bulbasaur line to be “a creature that is something like a frog. Additionally, Ivysaur’s large, rounded snout; wide mouth, wide-set eyes, blotch-patterned skin, and quadruped-like movements are vaguely similar to those of certain amphibians, such as the common toad.

Unlike Bulbasaur, Ivysaur’s “ears” do have hollows, indicating that they are, in fact, ears and not glands, as seen in many species of frogs and toads. The bulb on its back now resembles the bud of a genus of parasitic flowering plants known as Rafflesia.


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