Gardening Supplies

Answering your gardening questions + 📬

Hydrangea pruning 101:
Post pruning update (see the Limelight in 2019):
Sweet pea growing guide:

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center:

🌿 Send me postcards:
The Impatient Gardener
P.O. Box 99
Belgium, WI 53004

My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5b.

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🌿 My favorite potting soil (Organic Mechanics peat-free Container blend):
🌿 My favorite soil amendment:
🌿 Garden products I buy on repeat:

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Music in my videos from:

Mail to:
USPS: The Impatient Gardener
P.O. Box 99
Belgium, WI 53004

UPS/FedEx: The Impatient Gardener
125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074


  1. Hi, Erin 👋 I’m so excited to see how the Banana tree is going to do. I was so impressed by it’s growth! Thanks, as always for your abundant knowledge. Have a Blessed Day. 😊

  2. Love your question and answer segment. I am removing a 75 year old black walnut tree. Last year I picked up 12 wheel barrels of walnuts and the squirrels are driving me nuts (pun). What can I plant in that area once the tree is removed? I know the tree is toxic to some plants. I am in Southwest Michigan Zone 6b.

  3. Ok I bit and picked up a few Bananas 😅😅😅. The bananas are the Dwarf Cavendish variety, 220cm in height and 120cm spread. Not too ‘dwarf’😵‍💫. They are 2’ tall with 3-4 sets of leaves and in 6” pots. I’m wondering if I should transplant them or just leave them be until they get planted into the xl pots outside and what if anything I should fertilize them with. Any suggestions?

    Thanks, 4B Alberta 🇨🇦

  4. Thank you for showing the humungous bloom that my granddaughters and I saw when visiting Ann Arbor Michigan. My YouTube Channel is Mary Born, ND where I focus on gardening and health. I forgot to mention the name of my channel. I am going to be 80 in July and my gardening has changed through the years. When I was in my 30's and 40's I used to plant about 100 flats of flowers every season. I make use of elevated beds now that my knees aren't capable of kneeling for more than 10 minutes at a time. This portion of my channel is called, "Gardening with Granny". I also have a health focus called, Health to Home. I've learned so much from you and appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us.

  5. This spring we plan to visit Keukenhof garden inThe Netherlands. Even more spectacular all season is the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, Canada 💕🇨🇦👍

  6. LOVE Chanticleer. They do the coolest designs and pots. I hope to visit it some day.

  7. Dow Gardens in Midland, MI is a wonderful place to visit. When we lived in Midland, we went every week or two since it always looked different. And they had wonderful art installs in different seasons that changed every year

  8. If the BH&G story never gets published can you get copies of the photos to see how they turned out??

  9. Erin – Can you name an annual or perennial that you start from seed that performs really well when planted out ??? Like the best of the best. Anybody’s favorite would be great!!!!

  10. wondering if a diluted hydrogen peroxide on the soft spots would help. or even pouring some between the leaves

  11. Hi Erin….Its' pronounced blow dell. I live just south of Vancouver, BC Canada and that is a common name in these parts. (a lumber family who has done well and given back to the N W in many ways)

  12. Thoroughly enjoying the Q&A’s as well, and the post cards are wonderful. I was sitting here thinking about the gardens I’ve seen and walked through in my life, and can honestly say that my “favorite” garden is the one I’m standing in and seeing at that moment. There’s always something wonderful, magical, or personal to reflect on and it’s just so cool because you can really get an idea of who that person is as a gardener.  Thanks for sharing and stay well.

  13. OMG! Erin, navy blue is totally your color! It brings out your sparkling blue eyes so beautifully. I know I've seen you in that navy jacket before but I think having your hair pulled back really does it. Very elegant. Or elegantissima, as we would say in gardening parlance. And so striking.

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