Garden Plans

2023 Homestead Garden Plans / Ordering Seeds / Germination Tests

It’s the new garden season on my little suburban homestead and I’m planning out my seeds and testing my old seeds with germination tests to see if I need order new seeds. I’ve also brought my fuchsia out of hibernation and geraniums.
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  1. Seriously people are saying you are pregnant? How Rude!!!! What is wrong with people!!! So sorry

  2. Hi Janelle and sweet family! I’ve been contemplating on raised beds. Just think it might be easier on me and less problems to deal with. I’m glad it didn’t affect your seeds being in the greenhouse. Can’t wait to see what your garden will produce this year. Have a blessed night and hope your family is doing well.

  3. I’m working on keeping the CATS out of my tomato beds! I’ve tried everything! I have mostly containers for green beans,squash,bell peppers, I do an Herb barrel. My tomatoes are in the ground against the garage and they grow beautifully there just need to get rid of the neighborhood stray cats! I’ve tried a $50 a gallon repellent spray,hair,coffee grounds, plastic forks, you name it!

  4. Our garden is under water! Not complaining at all about this since we have been a drought for a very long time. Blessed to be in zone 9B so we have lots of time. I will be starting our tomatoes and peppers. Thank you for sharing your life with us. <3

  5. I am a recovering hoarder. I need to tackle the toys that my two youngest of five children have. They are 21 and 22 this year and I never have gotten rid of anything of theirs. I am so ready to do it but after starting to sort Barbies, Sylvanian Families and the Littliest Pet Shop, I had to walk away. That stuff is meant for little kids’ hands not my clumsy 57 year old ones!! I moved the compost bin instead. Out in the mud up to my knees in squelching mud and down pouring rain. All went well with my slot together bin until I shut the lid and thumped the concrete chunk from a washing line support on top to weight it down.I heard it give a little and thought it will be fine when it dries out a bit. Needless to say that we had blustery gales overnight and heavy rain. Me, I am sorting fiddly toys today and feeling like I have been punished for not tidying my room before going out to play. Xx

  6. Hi Janelle…it's so fun to go thru seeds and dreaming of summer…..

  7. Migardners seeds are about $2 a package. Shipping took about 10 days but that was at the peak of seed time so it might be less. Love Bakers Creek seeds.

  8. We got some fun gourds from a local farm stand last year and a white pumpkin. I left them around my front and side garden all winter. The gourds got really hard shell so smashed them a couple of weeks ago and the inside was like a loofa and seeds. I scattered the seeds and and put a little dirt on top and we’ll see what happens! Hope to have some fun gourds growing this year! Had fun with a volunteer gourd 2 years ago!

  9. I found the variety at Baker overwhelming. I like Rohrer seed. I’m going to have to look into Pinetree.

  10. I live in Florida. Today I transplanted a pineapple plant that I’ve grown from the top of a store pineapple. It’s growing a mini pineapple out of the center of the plant. It’s about 4 inches tall thus far. I also transplanted my Christmas’s poinsettia plant into the ground. I keep a large planter as my nursery and any clippings I collect from plants I stick in some “Root tone” and stick it in the dirt and see what takes! I grew a large Clusia plant from a few small clippings that rooted as well as a variegated pittosporum. I’ll be transplanting my bromeliads to another area of my property in the next day or so. Feels good to play in the dirt. Can’t wait to see your garden grow and hoping it’s a banner year ahead.

  11. I really want to try to grow honey berries this year! Thanks for the encouragement today, I needed that❤

  12. Everyone is late this year, think it was the weather. We have had a wierd cold winter everywhere. Florida, we had unusual hot weather.

  13. Hi Janelle, enjoyed your video! I'm in Michigan and I find that Marigolds are one of, if not the easiest to grow!! They even seed themselves, quite invasive. Interesting what a difference growing zones make. Good luck and God bless your garden and you and your family!

  14. I've been sowing seeds inside for the last several weeks also. Around the snow, rhubarb is starting to emerge in the garden. I'm sowing baby bok choy inside instead of direct sowing this year.

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