Japanese Garden

✨SKETCHBOOK 24✨ (August-January)

I deeply apologize for how long it took me to get this one finished, but I hope y’all enjoy it nonetheless.
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1:49 is when I finally start the sketchbook

23:35 is when I start to like the pages


  1. I really needed this, thank u, now I finally have the motivation to start a new sketchbook. Would you like to be art friends on instagram? 😀

  2. your so undeatted im subbbing right NOW!And u are so relatable,i get artblock ALL THE TIME!{loved the vid}

  3. Alright homie sorry if this comment is long but I have a lot to say (all good stuff)
    First of all, you dont have to apologize for talking too much. I find myself doing that as well lol, I have some really similar speech patterns. I watched the whole video and found it very fun to listen!
    I love your drawings of Hunter, he's my favorite
    Your characters are super cool! Donovan reminds me of one of my characters, his name is Sasha
    I also collect records! It's a very fun but expensive hobby of mine. Super annoying sometimes because a lot of the ones I want the most are terribly expensive. How big is your collection? And about your record player if you can get an old one that still works that'll be your best bet. I have one from the 60's (a Zenith) and man that thing has done me well. Was such an improvement to the wimpy little crosley I had.
    I love your Splatoon art. The day Splatoon 3 came out was such a good day
    You very briefly mentioned a song from Omori and I just have to say that game is one of my favorites. I love the soundtrack and the characters
    I like your gloves 😀 and your art is really nice. My favorite is the drawing with the phone that has 911 pulled up
    I think that's it ?? Sorry for it being so friggin long lol I just get excited when people share the same interests as I do. Anyways thank you for sharing your art !!

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