Garden Plans

Garden Tour and Home Brewing

A quick look outside my bungalow and possible future growing plans and adding hops to my home brew beers.


  1. Hi mate. I do hope you'll be able to grow some plants outside. A small lean to greenhouse or cloche sounds ideal for that wall out the back. Certainly a raised bed or 2 would be cracking. Take care AJ.

  2. Hopefully you'll get permission to ahead with a few raised beds and a greenhouse – there's plenty of space South side.

    I grow rhubarb, black currents, kiwi, apples and plums (espalier) so I'll be referring back to your older wine making videos in due course.

  3. It was the beer for me AJ 🍺, what a beautiful machine that bike is, Thanks for your time making these videos. Cheers 🍻

  4. Sending best wishes that you'll be able to put some raised beds in back of your bungalow. Getting our garden sorted for the year. Last year was a bust due to extreme heat and drought. Good to see the Bad Cat is coming along nicely. Cheers AJ!

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