
Expert advice for a novice gardener – Allotment 2015 day 14

Day 14 on the allotment brings us to mid June but Summer is still being a bit tentative. Everything is holding back. There are nice sunny spells but they are also followed by quite grey and cloudy weather with rain. It is now or never to plant out seedlings and so I have butternut squash, African Marigolds, brassicas, courgette and sweetcorn all to get plant out. I have specific technique that makes this easy and also ensures the roots are not disturbed. There is also a very special guest on the plot as we welcome Sean James Cameron from The Horticultural Channel.

Sean takes a look around the plot and gives out some expert advice which is very welcome. He is quite impressed by my onions, peas and also samples one of the first strawberries of the year.I am still a novice gardener and so opportunities like this are great for me, and I am learning as much as I can as quickly as I can. It was great to have Sean over and we spent a really enjoyable day on the plot.


  1. OH you tricksters! I got notification of the 'break in' on Facebook and went…crap! what is happening to poor Aaron!?! LOL you got me!

  2. Hi Aaron, another great vid and the birth of a new great double act. That's some incline you have on your plot  but it doesn't seem to be stopping you from doing well, so good on ya mate. The weather has warmed up here in the north east so summer might have actually arrived!!. I also have plated out some more sweetcorn so fingers are crossed to see if I get any cobs from them (time will only tell). Keep the vids coming and all the best.

  3. Looks like your strawberries got the seal of approval from Sean! Your potatoes look happy and I could almost smell the freshness of those peas! They looked great and I bet they tasted even better. Your poppies and marigolds add a perfect dash of color. I do hope the sunflowers surprise you yet. Good luck with the peppers.
    As always, enjoyed the credits!

  4. If you are allowed animals on your plot, Pigs are the fastest way to terrace sloped land you can fence a section and keep them there for a month or two and they will terrace it to level for you…

  5. What a pair! Love the tip about planting the roots 'whole' using the pot as a plug – must try that one. I've also been planting out the last bits and pieces – I believe the technical term is 'bunging things in' – far too late for some of the things but no harm in trying! Well done for carrying on in spite of that mares tail. Really enjoyed this Aaron – keep smiling!

  6. It is always fun to have friends over. I love your peas. They are doing so wonderful. The poppies… Gorgeous. Cant wait to see how the corn does.

  7. Aaron please invest in a wooden news paper pot maker i got mine for 4 quid yes bog rolls are ok but the pot makers are bigger and you can male pot to the depth you want

  8. they are better than root trainers and you just plant the whole thing in worth a try buddy

  9. Hi Aaron, an enjoyable and amusing episode. It looks like i'm going to be in the minority here and praise Root Trainers. This season I have used them for Runner and French Beans, Sweetcorn, Sweet Peas and Sunflowers, all with fairly decent germination. You mentioned about the rootball collapsing when you open the cases. I think this may be either due to the root not developed enough in the Root Trainer or the soil being too damp. I tend not to water my plants the day before I plan on planting them out, Then they get a good drenching, once in the ground. Have you considered building raised beds, to counter act the sloping ground? Gardening can be very hit and miss, so you are not alone.Onions have been my achilles heel this year, but hey!!!! there is always next year, the year after, the year after  LOL!
    Thanks for the update mate………….Nigel

  10. Loved the vid I'm off up my lotty after work today trying to motivate myself and watching your video was a great tonic again. Sean seems to be a fun guy I've seen all his vids as well anyhow keep the good work up on your new lotty!

  11. You've not been spraying the chillies with washing up liquid have you, I managed to kill 8 of mine doing that, They don't like fairy washing up liquid…. lol…PS I picked up a new tip if Sean ever turns up hide your strawberry's….lol

  12. As you say, you're in the hands of the weather gods, but I reckon your sweetcorn will be okay, they grow quickly once they get started.

  13. Hi Aaron fellow allotment holder and subscriber  here love watching your videos was thinking about making my own allotment videos was wondering what microphone you are using and what a good video cam recorder would be great to hear form you and get involved with putting up videos to help other new to allotments

  14. It was so nice to see Sean. I do hope he didn't hurt himself on that ditch. What were the yellow flat petal flowers next to where you were planting your Africa marigolds? Thanks for sharing. Just subscribed to your channel. God Bless and take care.

  15. great vid, I always pinch off the growing tip of the marigolds to produce a bushier plant with more flowers

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