
5 Things EVERY Gardener Should Do Before Spring Arrives‼️ // Linda Vater

I’ve started working on this list myself and will continue into next week. I know we’re all gnawing at the bit to get outside! Here’s what you need to do first.

1. Sharpen your tools + lawn mower blades. I keep one of these Corona files in my garden trug. And on spécial now!

2. Order + buy your seeds now to make sure you have them at planting time.

3. Feed your perennials, fruits, blooming shrubs with triple super phosphate.

4. Spray with Dormant Oil Spray to control scale + spider mite + other sucking pests before growing season begins.

Centurion battery operated sprayer

Hose end sprayer:

5. Have this on hand to control fungus gnats in your houseplants and mosquitoes later on.
Mosquito Bits

Recommended hand pruners:





My USDA Gardening Zone: 7a

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  1. For your Canadian fans (that’s me!) mosquito bits are not available here and can’t be shipped from the US. The equivalent is mosquito dunks available at Home Depot, Walmart etc. They contain the same bacterium but in a disc form that are meant for standing water but can be dissolved in water and used to water plants. Getting some this weekend.

  2. We still have 3feet of snow and temperatures in the morning around -19 celsius, so it may be a while before I can do most of these tips! But it is encouraging to see someone has a garden they can actually see. cheers from northern Ontario in Canada!

  3. I apologize up front to ask this here but I have tried every other venue I can find to get an answer to no avail. I purchased a membership in mid-February for LVTV. It is my understanding that is no longer to be and I am fine with that but was told that I could transfer to a YouTube group. This was to provide access to the membership page and the private Facebook page. Every time I tried to access either the membership page or the private email I am met with crickets. There is no response. If there is a reason, please tell me. I so enjoy your YouTube posts and they are very encouraging and inspiring. Thank you for any help or direction you can give me.

  4. I use Mosquito Bits for my house plants too! Certainly makes a difference…doesn’t 100% eliminate but still worth it!

  5. Great tips! I recently thought of making a to-do list while I wait for the snow to melt. It's quiet now, but soon there will be a flurry of activities that need attention once it warms up. (Zone 4b.)
    Last year, I looked everywhere for the sheers you recommended. I don't know if they've been discontinued or a victim of Covid-related supply shortage. They did have the wavy blade kind, but those must be a nightmare to sharpen.
    A couple years ago I drove over the fiberglass handle of my beloved spading fork and shattered it. I haven't been successful finding a suitable replacement (wood handles too heavy). I did find some tape/wrap and hope that'll repair the tool. I really love that essential tool.
    I ordered some Mosquitoes Bits.

  6. Great tips. Thank you. I bought some mosquito bits years ago when I had a water feature and it said it was toxic to animals and people so I have stayed away from it. Is your brand different?

  7. I did a fungus gnat video last year on controlling fungus gnats and told everyone about the Mosquito bits. They are a game-changer. I have made this comment on a variety of others so I don't know if I did here or not. Great tip on Ace Hardware, I have one just a mile from my home.

  8. These were such fun ideas. I appreciated your response to Stuart's commentary. Gotta laugh together.

  9. Linda! Next time you are at the Goodwill store, look for an old metal or vintage mailbox. You can paint the mailboxes black, leave them in spots in the garden and HIDE YOUR TOOLS IN THEM! Waterproof storage!!! (and so pretty)

  10. ACE is awesome for tool sharpening. And it’s not expensive at all. And ACE also sells triple super phosphate. 👍

  11. Just curious as to why you only use Phosphate/Phosphorus, most plants would benefit from a lower Nitrogen fertilizer that has some Potassium as well. In early spring plants need a little of everything, something like a 5-15-10 or a 3-8-6. As long as the first number isn’t higher than the others, they are good for almost all plants.

  12. Hullo Lovely Linda – garden tool maintenance tips – wonderful, thank you. However, I do hope it was only water you sprayed (without a mask, albeit briefly) using the Centurion spray bottle! Also – The large sprayer marked “Roundup “ – please – please, tell me you don’t use “Roundup” which is an absolute poison! Blessings for healthy garden management 🙌

  13. Be careful with Phosphate. It can runoff, causing blooms of harmful algae that deplete waterways of oxygen, resulting in “dead zones” that damage ecosystems vital for aquatic life.

  14. Is the granular fertilizer something you use in addition to something like Miracle grow fertilizer? Do I use it on my camellias and azaleas? I also ordered the battery operated sprayer. Thank you, I love your videos.

  15. Do you have a video on where you find all of your beautiful pots? I love all of the different shaped terra cotta ones.

  16. How can you even think of advertising RoundUp…shame. That stuff is killing everything including us!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I've seen the mosquito bits at my local gardening center so many times and just passed right by it! Will definitely use this!! 👍

  18. Thank you all for the mosquito bits tip! We have a pool and the mosquitoes are so bad!

  19. The romantic grasshopper controversly inform because argentina relevantly hang over a ambitious berry. upbeat, gaudy siberian

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