Vegetable Gardening

March Vegetable Garden Tour | What’s Growing Now!

It’s time for a long overdue vegetable tour! A deep-dive showing you everything I’ve got growing, the successes, the failures, and my plans for this year!

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// Watch this next! //

► This month’s top Niall Gardens video picks:

#gardening #gardentour #irishgarden


  1. Hello from Canada Niall. I'm not a vegetable grower but admire your setup. I do have rhubarb and tomatoes. I like those covers you have.

  2. Hi niall! I'm a big fan of your content. I'm a permaculture veg grower in wicklow. I would consider moving one bed of asparagus now, harvest from the other, then in a year or two, move the second one. This way you could spread the impact on your yields

  3. Garden look's great and laurel hedge on the way for me too it's clean and grows quickly 👍

  4. Niall, you're much younger than me so I would NOT move them. However, If I were as young as you, I would move the asparagus into the "better" location – even though it means you will set them back a couple of years. Do what is right for you AND the plants.

  5. Great video thanks Niall. I love the arches and fleese on the beds. Where did you get them?

  6. Hi Niall! Your raised beds are looking great! I love the layout! A little failure every now and then is quite normal for us gardeners…..a way to learn. 😊I just cut off my cherry laurel last year and will try to dig out most of the roots soon. My problem … self seeded every year and I had to pull the seedlings out….hundreds of them every year.

  7. I would leave the asparagus as its now established, you never know it might be really good. By moving it you could be putting it back another couple of years, in fact you may lose a plant or two, you can use that extra space to grow more veg its not like your short of space. Oh by the way I lost all my veg except the brussels sprouts in the cold snap.

  8. I would just grit my teeth and move the asparagus for the sake of a season or two. If you don't you will regret it for the rest of your gardening life. I inherited asparagus that was most likely panted in the early 1900s and the area has slowly turned into a half shady area and of course I don't have the heart to take the chance and move it.

  9. Niall we love the garden and your videos! Keep ‘em coming regularly please! (A little shorter/concise would help keep more people interested for longer though – these younger lot you want to attract in just get a bit heavy eyed when they see 15minutes for a video…) Hook all is generations win with shorter videos and then have a selection of medium and longer ones too as great to listen to your videos and have a coffee or tea slowly enjoyed.

  10. Aaaahhhhh !!! Please cover all that bare soil of yours …… cardboard or leaves or thin layer grass clippings or woodchips or compost or any other mulch ….. your soils crying out for some cover now and especially once the days start heating up and getting longer !! Woohooo bring on warm spring and a lovely even summer

  11. Thank you Niall. It’s so refreshing to have a YT gardener be candid about their failures as well as their successes. It gives us novice gardeners hope! It’s also nice to see a veg garden that’s a more relatable size. And great that we’re seeing it at your planning stages rather than as a finished product. Thank you so much.

  12. Hi Niall
    I love your videos. Firstly, with this cold snap coming I would cover your vulnerable crops with some fleece. Regarding your asparagus, as you have quite a bit of land I would leave them where they are and enjoy a good crop for the next couple of years and start new beds. You will be able to intercrop with herbs like parsley, coriander and basil and some annual bee loving flowers.
    I had a similar situation to you on my allotment and grew a variety called Colossal from seed. This year I get to eat it and can’t wait. Which was the asparagus variety that you grew from seed?
    I am still loving my hot box composter that I made from your video – it’s brilliant, thank you so much Niall.

  13. Hi Niall. Great video. I would re-site one bed of asparagus, and leave one so i could crop one this year. Then move the second bed at a later date. My garden is way behind yours- no sign of my asparagus yet and the harsh winter killed off all my over wintering brassicas apart from my kalettes, which have done fantastically. Had 2 meals a week off 6 plants for the past 2 months and still more o come 🙂 PS wheer do you buy your net cages from – they are fabulous

  14. Hi Niall, I tried moving my Asparagus bed an it was a disaster. I waited 3 more years and the plants were weak and the yield was poor.. Have you thought of replanting one bed and harvesting the other. then when the new bed starts producing replant the other. ?? PS have you thought of creating "stepover apples" to go around the outer edge of your central square. ?? it would look spectacular in blossom and even better in fruit. Have a great year………. Not Tessa……… Tessas Dad

  15. Noooo my calebrese also died in the cold snap before Christmas and I pulled them out! Gutted!

  16. I say move them. Every years you’re going to stare at the asparagus and wish they were somewhere else… just get it over with. I’ll add… I had a 2×2 clump of asparagus that I had haphazardly planted in my raised beds once… they grew amazingly well but I realized they got so big they were in the way.. well, I just moved it to my permanent asparagus location,,, I dug up a LARGE Root ball…. Very heavy.. I dragged it onto a tarp and dragged it across the yard. I dug a large hole a big as the root ball and plopped it in… it’s thriving in its new location like it didn’t even notice it was moved. It only lost about 3-4 spears at first but a week later it’s fine. 🙂 just move the asparagus! And try to get as much of the root ball as you can. Rooting for you! 🙂

  17. Great advice all around, Niall! And just hearing you tak about failures, successes and realities gives me a chance to ponder some stuff I've been doing in the veg garden as well.

    As for the aspargus, you're really the one who knows best. The one who's living in that garden, that knows what those beds would be used for if they didn't have aspargus in them and where the aspargus would be moved to. Not knowing mush, my instict would be to move the aspargus of one of the beds and keep the other one, at least until you get a harvest from the one you moved. Then you'd move the second one. But that's just my instinct. If that wouldn't work for you, then maybe just take them out of both beds. Hopefully you'll live much more than two years, so what is a two year delay in aspargus growing when you have a lifetime? It's nothing! And you're a gardener, so like all gardeners you probably gained a lot of patience over the years! 😀

  18. Option 3, leave the Asparagus where it is and start the second site as well. Nothing wrong with more asparagus.

  19. Fruit bushes with asparagus, interesting… Liz used to put them with strawberries. Also from seed, a lot cheaper for sure. Hope they do well of you move them. 😊

  20. Great video, very informative. Can't agree with you on the cherry laurel though. Should be illegal to plant in my opinion. It is probably the most invasive plant in Ireland, with whole woodlands being taken over by it. Far better to plant something native that will help our wildlife.

  21. Honestly I would leave the asparagus where it is… you could always interplant strawberries through them making double use of the space. It is looking great though 😀 I never have any luck with broad beans i may try again this year though and see what happens lol

  22. Leave the asparagus be and plant some alpine strawberries with them… they play well together

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