@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: I trained a crow to garden for me…


  1. so happy for you man, love seeing your success withthe crows, i told you the key is not approaching and look at that its working amazing.

  2. I love the crows. When I had my ducks, they helped to warm me when the hawks were around and also chase them away. Love those crows.

  3. Somewhere on Crow YouTube is a video of young crows ripping up plants and laughing cause some idiot is also feeding them

  4. So that's what's been yanking my seedling out of the soil I knew it was a bird but didn't expect a crow and I live off reo dr so I believe I'm close to where the person that made this video lives

  5. You are living my dream! Someday I will get a whole murder of crows to love me, and then I’ll be unstoppable!!! 😂

    In all seriousness though, thank you for showing your crow friends the love and respect they so deserve! 😊

  6. Not one single gift! I've been feeding this mom and her two babies since last year and nothing! I even left some do-dads out for them to give a hint but nothing. Ungrateful….

  7. Might want to get rid of the small plastic baggy. that might test positive for stuff not found in a garden

  8. Can you train them to do Youtube clips instead of u? Army of minions????

  9. I like to put landscape pegs in the ground so if anything lands on my pots of beds , it's poke and they'll never come back lol doesn't sound nice but it's your food not there's

  10. This looks a very entertaining. Can’t wait to see what gifts you get next. What will you do with all the presents?

  11. I got to admit, I been liking this crow videos. Leep em coming bro.

    I thing youre training them wrong. They gonma associate getting feed with pulling your seeds or ruining your little plants. Feed them somewhere else not in the plant pot.

  12. Crows are so observant! My daughter gardens in Redmond WA and she’s fascinated by communicating with the crows.

  13. Awesome. Now they think they are being rewarded for pulling your plants out.
    Just wait till you come out and your garden is all gone. Haha! Throw some more seed, brother!

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