Front Yard Garden

02/19/23 NEW Sasquatch Caught On Camera? And I Share MY Puzzle Piece

How many ask for photos? What ya gonna do with em now?
I share a big puzzle piece of mine – finally and more.
Sarahs hand shipped items here,


  1. I have seen a woman that was in her 80's that had her eyes change. She had regular pupils for as llong as I know of as her life prior to the onset of dementia. They then changed to slit pupils for about two years solid before she passed. This is first hand.

  2. I’ve got one for you I’ve never told anyone I’m a trk driver from Alabama I was driving through New Mexico one morning about 3am down this bk Highway off of interstate 27 I do believe we’ll anyway long story short cruising along and coming in my direction on side the rd and halfway in the other lane a hord of Havanas or wild pigs which ever were running from something it kinda scared me out of the ordinary for me lol then all of sudden something ran across the rd in front of me now mind you this happened about a 1/4 mile from where I seen the hogs now as it got to the shoulder of my side of the rd a blue green light came out of knowhere the size of a beach ball appeared now remind you this is desert area no homes. Lights of any kind now that same ball of light came from behind my trailer up the driver side to the hood of my truck and shot straight up and disappeared

  3. The photos look close to the two I saw up close to Mt. Rainier in 2017. They appeared slim rather than muscular.

  4. But I feel real different now. Knowing that they are a people. Have family. Are related to us? Like a long lost cosmic cousin.

  5. Ooohhh hoohoho.. well let's just say. They are the seed that mixed with humans. That went power hungry. That is why we have a reptilian brain. So we are easier to persuade. Because we have the same brain waves for survival. They minipulated are DNA. Put inhibitors. Besides that. They are at cosmic war,now. For survival. Both sides decided it's on like donkey Kong. And Godzilla. See how they put it in movies. As a metaphor. Oh and we're their food. And they are infested with nano- bots. Also the grey's. Infested. When they get in you. You become possessed/zombifie. Straight radio synced like a radio. Are tech. Is primative compared to the military/civilian.

  6. Aztecs story. A civilization that died out,really a mystery, why? They worshipped a government. There god was a gigantic reptilian feathered 🐍 snake with wings. Dragon myth maybe…? And they use to cut and rip out human hearts,then cut off the head and let it roll down the temple steps. Sounding like slapping wet rocks as it rolls like a bowling bowl or is it bowling ball? That's another subject of our culture. Reptoids gods that demanded human sacrifice. But today they just abduct you and take what they want. Compare cultures and historys around the world and you will see the same puzzle pieces to the whole picture. Don't let me start on the moon. That wipes your last life previous incarnations memories You don't need to be a mind reader to figure all this out. Like I say do your own research and you don't need to listen to stories over and over again, to say hey maybe we got something here. That's how retarded they made their slave prey. And told them to multiply everywhere!!! Like the bible. So we can have chines food in the east and Mexican food/meat in Mexico.

  7. billy corgan. you are only in a bigfoot show you ask to educate ed by anyone with a name?? what weill you learn?

  8. i would like to hear about bigfoot new info new stidies from this channel. missing should be bout missing . you guys are taking us to lala land . now you want reptile s

  9. you now will receive hundreds of letters from reptiles 😢 why? read a book . its just that we haven’t learned nothing from bigfoot and nothing from missing. leave us hanging and go switch it up every year. it looks like you could do more than hike and sit and tell other ppl stories. i can do that. 😊 why am i the best only one with a real opinion?

  10. Looks like a female to me, as there are certain parts that appear to me missing, and it would explain the body type as opposed to what we are accustom to seeing in the male of this species, or what we assume the male looks like. Anyway, just my two cents worth.

  11. Dogs bark that’s what they do. those pic’s look real to me. the one I seen was skinny like this one here, still not good enough for the critics though 😃

  12. I cannot speak for bigfeet, but I know when someone is looking at me. Call it a six sense and can usually pinpoint from where.

  13. All that lizard people stuff is very popular, and everyone is getting it from the same few sources. You're going to get a few stories that are wildly untrue/made-up now.

  14. Our education is based on the Christian ideal. That is false. There is no room for anything outside of the bible. And if you give those murders the narrative, then we'll be taking about the Nephilim, not people.

  15. I remember Steve reading about someone who saw a small reptilian on a road…a few months ago is when he read it…seems like it was north east U.S.

  16. We know we have been lied to about nearly everything. Then why would anyone believe the heliocentric spiel without question?

  17. Steve, I think about the Sasquatch-UFO thing like this; we probably should accept that we are not necessarily the most intelligent and successful species on this plant, and if alien life-forms or beings (or,if you like, spiritual/higher-consciousness/infinite-energy-realm beings) are making contact with beings on earth, why would they contact humans first? Think about all the evidence against this; we collectively live in fear of the unknown and of each other, we are highly destructive to ourselves and our natural world, we continuously allow tribal instincts and hatred to rule our ways, and here we are (again) on the cusp of destroying the world with nuclear weapons. I myself am very much like you, I am not afraid of others, don’t fear what they believe or what they think, or of speaking my mind, and I can’t understand why others are, but I am afraid of what the evil ones in this world will do to the rest of us for their own power and control. I think it is human arrogance that makes people think we are the “superior” species on this planet – loads of evidence, what you have been reading to us is are strong examples, point to the fact that there is a huge set of spiritual, physical, and especially real, observed phenomena that humans have witnessed, but don’t have a clue about. It seems we have forgotten most of it, or have had it driven out of us. Children still have it until we teach them that what they see and experience isn’t real – boy are we obviously wrong there. But the Sasquatch people of this planet still have the knowledge, they completely and utterly coexist with their world, and are totally in tune with it, which puts them way beyond us in real intelligence in my opinion. Just because they do not live with technology like ours, doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of it. Maybe they’ve figured out they don’t need it, especially if it would lead to direct conflict with us. It would not surprise me if the “alien” life forms know this, and have been in touch with Sasquatch people for tens of thousands of years to ensure stewardship of this planet with its huge level of natural resources. Our “modern human civilization” has only been around for maybe 10,000 years, and who knows what was known and experienced on this planet before that. None of us do, we weren’t there, not even the so-called scientific experts – especially them, they don’t know what they don’t know. So, I think we have to accept that it is most likely that these large hairy mostly-human beings are simply more advanced than us, on a higher level of consciousness, and have been in contact with others “out there” who are also much more advanced technologically and spiritually, and for a very long time. They are simply watching us to see what we do, and this is probably to stop us from destroying ourselves and taking them with us. This is what my puzzle looks like so far.

  18. On the reptilian thing. I have not seen one in the full 3D sense. For years I always had some energy bothering me at night, I would wake up and could hear this metallic type sound, high pitched. My one cat at the time was aware also and would hiss. So a few years back now, can't remember exactly, but itnis within the last 10. I had been sleeping and I woke up, this time I could see what was hanging in my room with my awake 3D eyes. Hovering above me is this human male with a reptilian type being super imposed over and around him. The human male was very shocked when I saw him and said hi. Omg it was too funny. The reptilian was morphed with the human, its hard to describe. Skin had rough scales , dark green to brown. It's head structure was larger than the human within and angular. There was a crest formation over its head. In another posting where the lady saw one in her car, how horrible. I have not been bothered again since this time because now I know their sound etc and for some reason a partnof me just wakes me up. I know this is really weird but figured I would write about it here if it might help someone.

  19. That is a very good photograph of one of these Sasquatch beings. It looks like a juvenile male to me though, I can't see the front.
    It looks like they photographed it at night. Nighttime is the time of day most of these appearances of these beings are found. Look at the length of his arm. It is very long.

  20. Yeah it's a bigfoot…A tall chick with a d*ck ..They're everywhere…Hollywood is full of them. And your children will soon be transformed in to one of these atrocious atrocities.

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