Vegetable Gardening

Foraging Parrot Activity – Macaw and Senegal Parrot Eat Fresh Food
Fun and healthy foraging activity for parrots. Instead of eating from a bowl, have your parrot forage for fresh fruit and vegetables. Keeps parrot occupied and encourages independent play.

Kili my Senegal Parrot and Rachel my Blue and Gold Macaw have a great time foraging from these feeders. Available in two sizes from:


  1. Wish my Senegal would eat Banana! However, he adores Strawberries but will only eat the skin with the pips and leaves the rest as a ripe red fleshy blob!

  2. That's so cool! Odd question, but should I get foraging things like this for my pet pigeon? I know they aren't parrots but I would like to make sure

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