
Easy RAISED BED Garden-TIPS Grow FOOD Small Space-Sun Shades-Layering-Hand Pollinate-Planting Seeds

Food & plants are growing great and fast in totes & that cardboard box, zucchini, tomatoes, watermelon, garlic chives, celery, parsley, strawberries, walking onions, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, basil, sage and more; easy to maintain, easy to plant and water, and great to harvest food from daily. Here I talk about how great it is to Layer your container garden, so you will maintain water for the plants, and believe me the plants love it, and lots of other fun stuff coming and lots of tips like always.

Tips on Garden layering Sun shade Planting seeds Growing LOTS of FOOD EASY Container Gardening

#gardendesign #vegetablegarden #gardening


  1. My totes are nowhere growing as good as yours. It was 97 here today. Weatherman said it felt like 103. I agree. I put up some shade cloth over some stuff today. I think I better order some more! Your new garden looks great.

  2. Can you recommend a soldering iron/kit? (Inexpensive to start) I'm looking on Amazon. Feel like it'd be a good tool to have!

  3. I made a compost tub, but it's full of fruit flies or gnats… What can I do to get rid of this problem?

  4. Hi Robbie, am Mandy. This is a really great video (I did actually stumble on your channel when I saw one of your videos for a momma Hummingbird who made her nest near your widow on top of a feeder.) and made me think about having a garden. I was hesitating because it’s so expensive to get everything needed for it when the yard is not set up for one. I want to start eating healthier and so I’m going to grow my own food. What would I have to do to make compost when I don’t eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, so I don’t have kitchen scraps to put in a bin? (I eat mostly freezer or other processed food and I know that can’t be recycled.) I can’t afford to go out and buy soil from a store and what we have outside is terrible. It’s either wicked dry or becomes mud as soon as water is added.

  5. Hello! What a neat garden! I bet if you sprinkle some flower seeds out it would attract some bees! I have a couple big solitary bees and mini hover flies that love the flower mix I sprinkled out. Plus I gave them a bee box house to live in that I bought from A*****. But u could probably make your own, you seems so resourceful and handy! Keep having fun! 💖

  6. In regards to your water buckets underneath the totes: Do you have a problem with mosquitoes? I tried to save water from rain and they got infested with mosquito larvae.

  7. Congratulations on 100000 subscribers. I use your tulle and have really good luck. Found another use for tulle also. When I moved in this house chipmunks were everywhere. When I turned the corner they would go into the drains. I wrapped the connection in tulle and zip tied them on. Have not seen one chipmunk this year.

  8. Sweet beautiful mama I LOVE YOU and an so grateful for your knowledge. You are as or more beautiful as your sweet babies ❤️❤️❤️

  9. So confused….🤪. How do you pollinate something w no flower ??? 🙃. No shade….jk love shade …for my plants…but how??????

  10. I live in Wisconsin &we have winter with cold and snow so how do I store that in the winter? Or even to cut the grass.

  11. Did order solar panel for bird bath total for two 6v 66.86 included shipping 9.95 for two . Silicon solar. Us company out of New York. They said should be here in 7 to 10 days.

  12. You are so creative and such an amazing problem solver! I love your enthusiasm! Congratulations on reaching 100 000 subscribers!

  13. I found that small tables work well too. Anything that keeps the plants up high is good. Small containers can be suspended from a branch with some holes in the container, and some strong twine or rope. If you put a plant under it, you don't waste water. I'm still setting mine up. It's a work in progress. The degree of sun/shade is also an issue, so sometimes I have to rearrange things. The heat this summer has been awful.

  14. Can also use dollar tree table cloths and large food plastic bags from grocery store. Just have to be innovative..

  15. You have really cool ideas!!! I'm new to vege gardening, having fun getting into it with my 5yr old twin girls helping me to!

  16. robbie you are so smart… so sensible. lol. watermelon next to tomato. it works. just throw seeds fm cup and just doesnt matter

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