@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Vine-ripened tomatoes are a myth


  1. This is also a great tip if you have squirrels/birds getting your tomatoes…picking at half ripe prevents them from snacking!

  2. I pick tomatoes 🍅 when they begin to show color. It helps me not lose any to cracking or falling off the vine. I have been doing this for 2 seasons. This is the #1 tip for tomato 🍅 growing

  3. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to tell in a blind taste test. But man, there's something about pulling a tomato off the vine and eating it while it's still warm from the sun.

  4. I dont get the myth part but this is prly the best tip ive seen for getting better life out of the tomato if flavor is same. we always do the same couple of variety. This would allow us to get them off the plant to make room for others… if leaving them longer isnt any pro's

  5. I have to pick them soon after they start ripening to beat the mice to them! 😣

  6. If your a super taster then you can easily pick up the difference let it go red on the vine theres more in there I promise.

  7. Another tip is if you can see the star of colour at the bottom of the tomato, it's likely okay to pick early!

  8. This is exactly what we have to do, because we have very heavy pest pressure around here. It's absolutely necessary to pick our tomatoes the moment they show any signs of ripening. I also found with the green tomatoes at the season's end, the majority of them will eventually ripen if kept in the right conditions.

  9. At the end of the season I have harvested green tomatoes. I place them in my container of red ones and 90% of them ripen enough to can them

  10. So perhaps vine ripened means that it stayed on the vine until half ripe, instead of picked when green? I don't taste a difference myself, as I mentioned somewhere else I let them ripen on the table. I love to make entomatadas with them ,fresh corn tortillas and queso fresco.

  11. YES!!! I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!! I can't get anyone to believe me, I was SO excited to see the name of this video. I live in the South and when you try to vine ripen you will lose so many to humidity, cracking, bugs. I'm all about Breaker Stage, but there's such a placebo effect with "vine ripened", no one will listen to the science

  12. Shelf life? No such thing in my house. Tomatoes and strawberries are eaten then and there. I get lucky if family waits for 50% point 😆

  13. I experimented with this concept last year. Grew 10 varieties and picked some at the nearly ripe stage as you showed and the fully ripe stage. In all cases they were much better fully ripe.

  14. as SOON as my tomatoes show color i have to take them off the vine, otherwise the squirrels get to have my tomato soup for me😂

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