
Gardening Tips and Tricks: How to Grow Eggplant

Art tells us about the different kinds of eggplant we can grow in our gardens and gives us some advice about how to be successful while growing a variety that suits our needs.


  1. I love eggplant! I am growing 7 varieties this year to try to get a handle on which ones I like the best. In all, I have 38 plants growing. I live in North Dakota which makes eggplant a little more challenging. I start the smaller varieties which I plan to grow in pots out very early in the house in January and transfer them to my heated greenhouse in April. I have been harvesting from these twice a week for the past two weeks. All the ones that that I have in the ground are starting to flower and I will be overwhelmed by them in a couple weeks but it is a great problem to have.

  2. Yeah eggplants are really great and so easy to grow for me cause I live in a tropical/subtropical place.

  3. Eggplant is loaded with nicotine, which our bodies convert to niacin, which is a very important vitamin. humans love eggplant but many have been put off by a bad experience.

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