Container Gardening

#shorts Grow Red Onions in One Container or Garden Bed #shorts How to Grow and Harvest Red Onions🧅

How to Grow and Harvest Red Onions
Growing red onions is as easy as any other type of onion. All onions are biennials, meaning they take two years to complete their life cycle. In the first year the seed grows, forming modified leaves and tiny underground bulbs. In the succeeding year, red onion bulbs mature until they’re ready to harvest
Make sure to water your red onions consistently; it’s recommended that you water once or twice per week in the morning. You can harvest red onions when the leaves start to turn brown and wilt. Gently remove the mature bulbs from the soil.
Onions are most often grown from bulbs, or “sets”, in the spring but can usually make a successful crop when fall planted. One bulb will produce one onion; sets may be planted 2” apart if harvested as scallions or ‘green onions’, or 4”-6” apart if allowed to mature into a full-sized cooking onion.

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