Edible Gardening


In this video I will be showing you how I hand sow Lucerne into my rotational grazing paddocks. Lucerne / Alfalfa is a great perennial plant for paddocks as it is a legume (nitrogen fixer), great fodder, and is also drought tollerant once established. I generally just dig little holes and hand seed, which gets better germination than broadcasting the seed over your paddock. As Lucerne seed has quite a hard casing it will lay dormant until the rain comes before germinating.

1 Comment

  1. This video was a total game-changer for me! Living in an apartment, I never thought I could have a green thumb. But with your step-by-step instructions for planting lucerne, I was able to create a small garden in my apartment courtyard. And now that I've got some greenery going, I'm hoping to bring in some livestock soon (fingers crossed the body corporate doesn't mind). It would be amazing to see a video from you on keeping livestock in an urban environment. Thank you for making gardening accessible for apartment dwellers like me!

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