Japanese Garden

Tower Gardens With Kangen Water – EXPERIMENT

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Jack’s motto is “Do God’s work and He will do your work!”

My FREE beginners course on “How To Make Money On Youtube”
My FREE course on “Social Media Marketing”
If there are any purchase links in this video description, please know I am an affiliate with Amazon.

Jack Scalfani is the host of 4 Youtube shows

Equipment I use:
Canon 60D https://amzn.to/2GwfLvG
$27 Mic ETM-001 : https://amzn.to/3i9TLHo2
Intellytech 50-CTD lights https://amzn.to/2MVwyJB


  1. , ا, , ساعدنا يااخي الله يحفظك ويسعدك ويوفقك ويبارك فيك تصدق علينا بااللي يكتبها الله جزاك الله خير ربي يغنيك ويفتح عليك ويسهل امورك افعل خير يااخي اني اختك من اليمن احنا ایتام نازحین جاوعين فقراء مساكين ماعندنا الأكل وعلينا ايجار البيت صاحب البيت كل يوم واقف على الباب يشتي الايجار ولا بيخرجنا في الشارع ونحن حالتنا صعبه واني مامعي احد غير الله ثم اهل الخير والله العظيم اني اشحت زوايد الأكل من الجيران واهل الخير من شان يأكلوا عيالي الايام ابوهم مات في الحرب ومالهم احد يااخي اني اختك حرمه مستضعفه وماعندي شي إيجار البيت من شق والجوع من جهه وبساطنا الأرض ولحافنا السماء لافرش ولا اكل ولا حاجه الله يخليك ارحمنا لوجه الله ربي يرحمك ويرحم والديك فرحنا الله يسعدك ويفرح قلبك نشتي ايجار البيت وحق كيس طحين احنا بنموت من الجوع يااخي الله يعزك ويكرمك ويعلي مراتبك ويرفع قدرك وشانك ولا يحيجك لأي مخلوق انت واولادك يارب الله يرضى عليك ويرزقك ويوفقك ويفتح لك ابواب الخير والرزق والبركه ويبني لك قصر في الجنه بكل ريال تساعدنا وتفرحنا به يارب فرجها علينا ساعدنا بحق إيجار البيت استرنا الله يسترك ويستر عليك في الدني ا والآخرة ويقضي حاجتك ويفرج همك وينورقلبك اني بنت يمنيه نازحين من تعز اناواسرتي عايشين اناوامي واخوتي سغار والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه ومامعنااحدفي هذاالدنيا يقف بجنبنا في هذا الضروف القاسيه ومامعي اخوان كبار اناالكبيره في اخوتي ولكن انابنت لااستطيع مثلك ان اروح اشتغل بين الرجال واصرف علئ اسرتي والله ثم والله يااخي انناقدلنايومين ندور لقمت العيش من برميل الزباله ومعي اخوان سغار انظركيف حالتهم اقسم بالله يااخي انهم خرجومن البيت للشارع وشافو الجيران ياكلو راحووقفوعندبابهم لجل يعطوهم ولوخبزه يابسه يسدوبها جوعهم والله الذي له ملك السموات والارض انهم غلقو الباب وطردوهم ورجعويبكوايموتومن الجوع مااحدرحمهم وعطانهم لقمت عيش والان لومااحد ساعدنا بحق كيلو دقيق اقسم بالله اننا انموت من الجوع فيااخي انادخيله علئ الله ثم عليك واريدمنك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله وبمحمد رسول الله يامن تحب الخير  واتساعدني ولو ب500ريال يمني ان تراسلي واتساب علئ هذا الرقم00967716459924
    وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيااخي انت رجال إذاشفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم ألاكب ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك واخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدناوانقذناقبل ان يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع انااقسم بالله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلاعمدوبسط ألأرض ومهداني لاأكذب عليك بحرف من هذا ألرساله واني ماطلبتك إلئ من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي احنافيه أناوسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره علئ مساعدتنا لاتتاخر عليناوجزاك آلّلّهً آلّفُ خيِر،،،، ، ;: ', ,$ ،،.

  2. أتوسل إلى كل قلب رحيم تدخل تلقى نظرة على حالتى أنا واولادى لله انام أم ارمله ابنى اسالكم بالله نظرة بقلوبكم الرحيمه إلى اختكم لانى يشهد الله اني الأشد احتياجا بين المسلمين

  3. LOL Jack is shocked that a wet teabag releases more tea than a dry teabag. He didn't use a fresh teabag for each type of water, of course it will release more once it's fully saturated! 🤣🤣

  4. the term "PH balanced" means absolutely nothing when it comes to the PH of water, Water has a PH level of 7 which is the most neutral or the most balanced. Alkaline water is at a 8 or 9 on the PH scale, with that said, their is some research done that natural alkaline water can be good for plants but it's not definitive. The research on human consumption of Alkaline water is not showing much so far, and at this point is mostly great marketing by these companies, with no actual benefits. Just drinking water is beneficial enough.

  5. And where can I buy my snake water!!!
    Jack, please, go home, take a Good dry green tea bag out, put it into bottled water and gently pour it over let it sit for 10 sec, take it out then put it in a new glass and run your tap hard over and through it,, it will be Active, and do the same show he did with you…too large for our body cells, lol wow, what a sorcerer here, your body believe it or not with BREAK IT DOWN…jeez.
    Watch PROJECT FARM on best Water Filter, then see the results there, drink that winner and water you garden with that. Not to mention your body needs some of that pH and natural water. Too big for our cells, OMG I almost fell out of a chair when he said that. No. Our body can work on sizes so small he has no idea, not even his Wife on their honeymoon can understand just HOW small…sorry, it's small, like really, really , REALLY, super tiny, like loose your mind tiny. Like imagine a guy, in a micromachine car, who as we zoom in, climbs in, sits, closes the car door, and we zoom into his rear Levi jeans and we keep zooming in, keep going, we really need in there, follow me I know the way as I hold your hand and this candle and we go deep into the workings of this, and he, farts, and his fart, farts, that gas is pushed and the vapor that is tossed out hits a spiderweb that is the fabric of his tightly whiteys that is the fibers of this goon-bah's underwear, we zoom in more, really get your head in there and breathe it all in,,and see a whole – nother city with streets and a car and some dude climbs into that car, and we zoom in and he farts, and it goes into the fabric of his underwear wherein ……we have another city…..(it's so hard to not laugh at this, at 1am, while my wife sleeps near me, and I'm typing this on my phone, where was I…) Yes, another city, with another street, car, dude, fart, underwear fabric, and this goes on for at least another 600,000,000 more times, THATS just an idea of how far down the body breaks things apart and down and once at the last fart you turn back to see it's going into a huge Earth sized hole, the abyssal of all dark places, the end of the great beyond. There isn't anything too big for a cell our body can't break down in terms of water. No!!! Oh man, this was fun to write ty. God bless and love you Jack!

  6. You could tell they weren't happy with Jack. Imagine going to a place of business. Eating everything, talking a bunch of bologna and not buying anything. The entitlement!!!! Incredible!!

  7. That is really great! Amazing. Let the whole world use this cleanest and alkaline water.

  8. I'm not surprised Jack would be the one to fall for a pyramid scheme like it's a new product. Can't wait to see you thinking selling these fraudster's products is a good idea.

  9. I hope you ended up buying something! You were making an entire video around the place, eating their greens and drinking their water! The least you could do is buy something from them 👍

  10. Count to 60 and feel energy like never before? Did he do a line in the bathroom off camera? It’s just vegetation….. hate him

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