Garden Design

Designing a Cut Flower Garden in the Landscape // How to Design a Four-Season Cutting Garden

Here’s a complete guide on designing a cut flower garden in the landscape! Additional videos on garden design, cut flower spacing, individual cut flower profiles, and cut flower harvesting techniques can be found on my channel. Here are a few cut flower garden videos I mentioned during this course –

Best Cut Flowers for Shade –

Best Foliage Shrubs for a Cut Flower Garden –

Best Fillers for a Cut Flower Garden –

Succession Planting Cut Flowers –

Spacing Cut Flowers –


  1. Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn and recession all over the world,I'm so 😊 I've been earning $60,000 returns from my 11,000 investment every 21business days.

  2. Thank you so much, this is awesome. I don’t want to sell flowers, but am looking to work a cutting, food / sustainable garden in to my landscape. You have given me many thoughts. Thanks.

  3. Thanks Danielle. Your garden has progressed so beautifully over the years. It is such a pleasure to see it and learn from you. Your bouquets are breathtaking! 💕🌸💖

  4. Love this. Your gardens look amazing. Just wish there was a picture from above. A drone view. Just to get a better idea of the layout

  5. Outstanding video! I love the ‘X’ staking you did with the salvia- absolutely brilliant🥰
    Thank you, Danielle!✌🏽🌈🌼

  6. This was so helpful. I really appreciate you sharing your experience with us. Your garden is so beautiful. Thank you for all your wonderful videos.

  7. Great job on the video! Your explanation on designing a cutting garden was insightful and very helpful. I appreciate the valuable information you shared. Keep up the fantastic work and can't wait to see more of your videos! 🙂

  8. One of the best videos for making decisions in planning any kind of garden. Great job and thanks for making this.

  9. This was wonderful. I have tried to do this but you have done it so much better! Wish you were here!!!

  10. You put this video together like a pro! I felt like I was watching a professional tv show! Kudos!!👍❤️❤️

  11. This is an amazing resource! Thank you so much for the time and energy you put into this excellent class. So many parts were helpful, but I was most taken with the four season ideas and the role each plant plays (in a bouquet and landscape). I would love to see a series with deep dives about appropriate flowers/foliage and their roles for each season.

  12. Extraordinary. The amount of time and effort to articulate the garden you have created must be acknowledged! This presentation has enormous value, making cut flower growing accessible and entirely attainable without adding rows upon rows of flowers– which I also love, by the way. 🙂 It is brilliantly demonstrated at Northlawn, so well presented and, I think, revolutionary for many who share your desire and purpose. We have a 60'x 15' area on the north side of our house, broken into three border chunks, along with a narrow span of grass. It is, as of today, officially christened: Northlawn Border–for identification on our 1.25 acres, and in honor of its continued becoming under your tutelage. I hope you won't mind. Once again, I wish for you every good thing and many returns on the beauty you are offering through your gifts and hard work. The happiest of new years to you and yours.
    Gwen S 👏

  13. Thank you for sharing this-so helpful! I have been watching your videos for awhile & always find so much educational value & inspiration in your content. I really appreciate in this video how you highlight the differences between a “normal” garden & one with a cutting focus.

  14. Here, here!! I am so with you, Danielle! I have been gardening in flower beds for the last 18 years and have been rather annoyed with some of the greats that say you have to have a separate “cutting garden”. This video is extremely helpful and thank you so much for sharing! I will definitely be referring back to it! Also, your seasonal bouquet recipes are an awesome asset! Thank you! ❤

  15. What an amazing video, Danielle. I would love to see more classes from you going into more detail about the garden design principals you mentioned towards the end of the video (for any garden, not just cut flower gardens!). Thank you!

  16. So comprehensive and joyfully presented. Best video I’ve seen for growing a home based cutting garden. You are a superb educator and your grandma would be so proud. You are growing your own legacy for a world of gardeners. Thank you.

  17. I’ve just found your channel, what a wealth of information! So many ideas and beautiful images of the garden. Thank you for your content! I’m in the UK and working on creating my very own walled cottage garden🌻 your channel is so useful for my plans 😀

  18. This was so good. I am only in my second year of flower farming. I want to add areas like this to my area for people to come and enjoy. Very basic question, do you draw out your area first? I probably need to go back and look at early videos. Any advice you could share is always helpful for me. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge!!

  19. You had me at 4 sentences in!!! I want to start a flower farm but I want it to look more natural like a English garden and to enjoy it right next to my home VS the field on the opposite side of the driveway!!! THANK YOU!!

  20. Love your cutting family garden Danielle. Honores your beloved Grandmother and produces beautiful bouquets. So many helpful tips.

  21. This was excellent. I don't know much about cut flowers and found this to be extremely useful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. The different shots of your garden are so beautiful 😍

  22. I love your videos so much. 🌞Those arrangements are amazing.
    Do you (or anyone else) know a good resource for finding out if a flower will self polinate? I have a very small garden, and if I can get seeds from one plant, I'll skip the second for another type. (Scabiosa, cerinthe, didiscus, etc)

  23. Thank you so much! It's clear that you spent time during the growing season preparing this video and information to share with us and it's so appreciated! I probably will watch it a couple of times not only for the enjoyment but to hear the information again.

  24. Such great information Danielle. Thank you for taking the time to put this together for us. Looking forward to using some of your suggestions and seeing your and my garden grow.

  25. Could you do a video on weed removal? My California soil is heavy, so when I pull a chunk of soil comes with it. I feel it exacerbates the problem by waking up more weed seeds. In my raised beds, in the grass and grass border. Trying to go with a more natural approach. please help, thanks

  26. Wow! What a wealth of information shared. Thank you so much for always sharing your knowledge for us to be successful in our own flower gardens.

  27. I have been vegetable gardening for years and years but this year I am deep-diving into flowers. I have been watching and reading all I can find and you are, by far, my favorite. You get down to the nitty gritty details and you communicate them very well! Thank you for this resource.

  28. Thank you Danielle for sharing a wealth of valuable serious gardening tips and ideas. Well thought out everything you do.

  29. Thank you for this very informative design class. I really appreciate all the work it took to put this video together.

  30. It’s because of your landscape-style cut garden that I subscribed to your channel a few years back . Thank you for all your work in preparing these videos, willingness to share your knowledge and experience, and the hard work in the garden itself.

  31. I planted cut flower seeds in pots on my deck last year. I seeded them like they were bouquets as I wanted to enjoy them outside and not actually cut them and bring them inside. I loved the look and am planning on doing it again this year.

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