
I ALMOST Didn't Make It! I'm Out Of Gardening Shape || Prepping Raised Beds For Spring || Gardening

I almost didn’t make it moving these bags … they were so heavy and I felt out of my usual gardening shape!

#raisedbedgarden #gardening #wintergarden
#shesamadgardener #zone8 #zone8a #texasgarden #texasgardening #cutflowergarden #cutflowerfarm

Music Credit: Epidemic Sounds

Where to find She’s A Mad Gardener:
Tik Tok: @shesamadgardener
Planting Zone 8a Wylie, Texas

She’s a Mad Gardener is a YouTube channel exploring projects in the home including but not limited to home gardening, DIY decorating, holiday decor, easy recipes, and so much more.

“As always, She’s A Mad Gardener and a decorator and anything she wants to be.”


  1. A quick fyi – i over wintered my lantana in the garage- it was planted with a patio plant so this was an experiment!

  2. Hi Amanda! I also live in Texas zone 8a. I am loving the cattle panels in between the raised garden beds. Where did you get them? Did you have to cut them to size or did they come that narrow?

  3. Hi Amanda. I really enjoy your channel. I'm in zone 8 East Tx . My lantana always returns, but it is late, late, late coming back out in the spring. I think it's dead every year but then I remember I need to wait for the heat to bring it out. Once it emerges . it takes off and grows fast and big. Just a suggestion.

  4. Is there a difference between raised beds soil and potting soil? Can you use potting soil for raised beds?

  5. I am in north Texas too.. I just did the same thing last weekend cleaning out all the dead stuff and it is a dirty job and makes body sore but wow just getting out in the garden makes you feel so good and refreshed haha … I dig my trailing lantana and put in a small pot for winter and just drag it in and out of the garage..I have done that for a couple years and I love it! I so enjoy your channel… I am gonna try to do the winter sewing in milk and juice jugs starting this weekend..haven't done it before but have alot of seeds and I am just ready to get a jump start on spring!!!! Yay! Hey Texas gardeners 👋 👋 God bless all! 💕

  6. Loving the idea of using the dried up annuals as organic materials in your raised beds, Amanda! I never would have know to do that! You're soooo smart! 💚💚 Linda

  7. I am in zone 8a, southeastern NC, Wilmington area. My mounding lantana tends to come back for me. I have learned to plant trailing lantana sparingly. One year it grew over my pixie loropetalum and smothered them. Also, I have noticed that the yellow trailing lantana blooms more prolifically than the lavender lantana. I think the lavender lantana is beautiful, just wish it had more flowers. From one zone 8a gardener to another, anticipating spring!

  8. Love the video. You are one amazing gardener. Love it when I am in the garden and my hands get dirty I know that I did some good work then. I am looking forward to seeing just what you plant in those raised garden beds. One plant I thought of that you could plant in those open spaces would be the mock orange shrub. Very fragrant and has white blooms either mid spring or early summer can't remember. Anyways enjoy the hot soak.

  9. You have a perfect back drop with your high fence for climbing roses or an espalier of something, that would look great. It looks like you have some nice privacy in that area. Great idea putting the debris of last years growth into your planters, I learned something new today!!

  10. I've only watched a few minutes and I already want your T-shirt! And it would be a great gift for some of my friends! Can you post a link? Pretty please!

  11. Watching you pull all those soil bags in your green wagon tired me out!! I have a yellow wagon that I use to do the same thing and it is so handy whenever I need to haul stuff to the back yard. I sure hope my lavender lantana comes back this year as it was sold to me as a perennial down here in the Houston area. Looking forward to seeing how those planters turn out this year.

  12. Sorry for all the questions but I'm a new subscriber and maybe these are in older videos, but tell me you don't use the dyed wood chips in any beds that contain food crops. Also, where did you get the ladder trellis between the two containers that is at least 10 ft long?

  13. I’m in west Tx, zone 8a, and we’ve been busy building 5 new raised beds for my garden. I also got my tulip and allium bulbs planted. Today, we built a shelf, added grow lights, heat mats, and I got my seeds started. Can attest to sore muscles that have gone unused for too long lol! Lugging bags of soil for my new beds is going to be my task next weekend! I know u were worn out, but I bet u also felt good getting all that accomplished!

  14. Couple of questions for you. Do they sell the raised bed soil someplace like Lowes or do you get it from your nursery? Ive never seen it before. Also I know you are a hands on gardener gal do you use anything special on your hands to keep them soft? My skin is super thin and i have to use gloves especially pruning.

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