Vegetable Gardening

Start Your Seeds This Way! Getting Ready For Spring!

Preparing for spring garden! Started a great variety of seeds today. Is it spring time in Texas? Check out this great seed company for some fantastic deals! What are you planting?


Unboxing New Impressive Seed Company For Beginners or Pros!


  1. I had planted some leeks seeds but nothing germinated. Today, I looked and I have one. Very excited about this one.

  2. We bought the tub they have , Gardener pack , Homesteader pack and the herb pack , all of them heirlume , no GMO so they say , haven't received them yet .
    We ordered 1000 onion plants 1000 leaks , planted already , just found out a week from Wednesday a polar vortex hits south east , Checkout Pow Pounder weather on YT for details , Airport closers were solar radiation blast , Good Vid Dear , Get his pop-corn growing too .

  3. Howdy! Couple of days ago, 32 in the morning and froze my broccoli seedlings. I think they will pull through. Will have to cover them next week when it drops to freezing again. Lots of rain showing on the weather forecast next week. It is warm today. Been so blustery last couple of days. I decided to wait and start my warm weather – spring/summer seeds. Will be sowing pepper and herb seeds indoors this week. Remember, February is our coldest month. Yes, must remember to water in the winter. I have been watering my carrots, strawberries and potted fruit trees and bushes. From what I see online with a big box store, the prices have doubled and are in 2 packs. Looking at $13-15 for 2 plant starts.

  4. Have u heard of parthenocarpic zucchini? I'm trying them to put under covers and hopefully no squash borer. Parthenon, Duncan and Kopana r a few.

  5. Can’t really see the seeds your holding up due to lighting but I can hear your excitement in your voice. I was outside cleaning up. Not planting any seeds yet. In February I think. Best of wishes on you seed starts.😊❤️👩🏼‍🌾

  6. What starting mix are you using.? Also, do you only add some mycorrhizal on certain seeds? Started some a couple days ago and think I already let them get too dry 🙁

  7. Unable to garden like I use to but a few things I will plant tomatoes a must, nothing I love better fresh grown and easy to can, peppers love me some salsa, maybe some yellow squash, and herbs and maybe some black berry's bush if I can keep critters out of them God bless

  8. Just finished watching your video. I want to start my seeds but I’m not sure about the weather. You make me want to start. Lol👩🏼‍🌾

  9. Using warm water on seeds before germination is important cause warm is absorbed better. I also spray lightly with hydrogen peroxide. I take parsley seeds and rub seeds on sandpaper a bit to break the hard seed coat; germination is much faster.

  10. I just ordered more seeds the other day along with seed starting supplies. It'll be a while before I get started, but I'm sure ready!

  11. Love the Totsoi green! We pick the outer leaves for salads, stir fry and is great added to soup! When we lived in Texas, we grew Brussel sprouts best through the winter months. Really sweet after a frost.

  12. I ordered the medicinal tea pack through your link. Looking forward to receiving it. Lacinato Kale is my favorite of the kales.

  13. Hey Jill we have tomatoes and pepper going. when do you start your Okra seeds? As far as greens and lettuce we wil sow on our grow table march 15th. Same with all the root veg. Great to see your tomatoes and peppers doing good. Be carefull, we could get slamed late February. God bless, Mike

  14. Beautiful job.. My collards & carrots did great during that freeze and my potatoes are just coming back! 🫤 I have started my tomatoes indoors.

  15. I started my tomatoes today. This year, I am focusing on self-control! 😆😆You don't have room to plant 100 tomatoes! DON'T do it! I have my list, my 'why I want to grow these"- and will proceed from there.

  16. Your hands looked so dainty when you were planting those seeds. I am glad you told me about eggplant. I planted eighteen last year. I wanted some eggplant. They didn't do anything. I stopped watering them. When it started getting cooler they were full of blooms. I started watering. I got a lot of small eggplants. I dehydrated a lot of them and used them in Italian dishes. I'm gonna start them straight away. The top part of me is excited about starting plants and my spring and summer garden. The bottom half remembers the extreme heat, majorly, extremely high water bills, and so many failures. See, the bottom half has my rear end and I haven't been able to kick it in high gear. Shoot, I haven't been able to lift my foot. Last year I thought third time would be the charm, nope. I can hope on the fourth time. Where do you get the mushroom compost. I have not had good luck on getting good soil or compost. Hook an old gal up with the 411 on some great compost, ha! Have a great day Jill. Vickie

  17. All awesome varieties! The plant babies are all looking good! I started my eggplant too! They take forever. Lol

  18. Hi Jill, good luck with the new seeds and thanks for the step-by-step process in getting them ready for germination. btw: thank you also for the link to the Survival Garden Seeds company, I will be checking them out… 🙂

  19. I'm currently in Denver, CO and starting tomorrow (Tuesday) they are expecting 8" to 10" of snow. I will be high tailing it home to East Texas early in the morning, my garden needs me. LOL

  20. Jill, when we first started trying to grow out here ( goats ate mor than he got) I gave up a few years. The seeds you have now ( survival) . We’ll I gave the okra seeds to my daughter, they had to be at least 5 years old. Every one of them germinated and was heavy producers!

    I hope you get the same results we did!!!!

  21. Looking great Jill! Love seed starting time! I just planted 4 types of cabbage seeds in milk jugs today. Cleaning out the greenhouse this week and setting up my grow lights and heat mats for all the other seeds. Blessings to you my friend!

  22. Awesome! Getting my beds ready outside with horse manure compost and dirt. While so many are getting hammered with snow, we didn't get over an inch. Last year we got a foot. I don't miss it though. I'm ordering some of those seeds. What a great price too! I love Shasta daisies too. They grow so well. Mine survived the winter. Thanks Sis! (Here's a little vid someone did, and how I'm going to grow my potatoes this year. )

  23. I was burnt out by the end of the growing season last fall but now I’m excited to get started again! Praying for a cooler summer with actual rain though!

  24. Have you ever tried Juliet tomatoes? I'd love to see those on your channel. They seem to work with for even brown thumbs and taste delicious. Weirdly I see them described as for tomato paste. I have been amazed at how tough they are, how long they produce and the flavor is too good for paste although they sure do give you plenty for everything.

  25. What fun but you are two months ahead of me. I did plant some onion seeds which take a long time to grow into sets.

  26. Exactly, I almost have spring fever. We got to 80 and are supposed to be a few degrees warmer. I am excited to get the same packs they sent you. I just also ordered their serrano pepper seeds also. We built 4 of our 3 x 8 raised garden beds. We have will be building 2 8 x 8 raised ground for tomatoe and potatoes. We have 4 more 3 x 8 raised bed to build. We are getting a good start on our garden as our raised beds will allow us to companion plant. This weather keeps us guessing but we are taking advantage of these warm days. It is hard to say it is winter for sure. Let's hope and pray we get some rain!!!

  27. I'm super excited for spring I wont be planting seeds till march as are last frost is usually end of April. The weather is supposed to be cold again but warmer then freezing so we have just got rain.

  28. Cleaned up potting shed and high tunnel. Started a couple seed trays. I don’t want to jump out to soon and loose them, you’re tomato starts looks great

  29. I am starting seeds for the first time this year!! I am excited but nervous. I got a gorilla grow tent for Christmas and I have my set up in there with some warming mats and grow lights. Fingers crossed! Good luck to everyone!

  30. Ma'am? I just found you after my morning prayers asking the Lord to somehow put me Infront of someone that could slap me OUT of this depression! Guess what? I just found YOU… and NOW… I will be following you for inspiration. I am GOING to PAY ATTENTION to you and your details. I am going to start tilling today because of you. I sincerely mean this when I say, " May the Lord bless you and give you a purpose that will benefit more people." Because you are certainly going to be benefitting me… And my mental health… I guess what I am saying is… well… I'm gonna need your videos to get me thru this… I think I am going to be okay now… I hope more people will begin to pray for those less fortunate even if they don't know who they are praying for… because I am actually blessed compared to others. I have a lot to be grateful for. I still have my home. Remember all the communities that are looking for something positive to help them rise above… When you "do your thing"! ☺️ It has been almost 10 months since this F3 tornado hit us here in Jacksboro, TX… And there is still work to be done. And I think that with me starting with a spring garden after many years of not growing is going to be what pulls me thru this. God bless you!

  31. Thank you for info. Basic question to be double sure…what zone do you consider North Texas/Ft. Worth area for when I get seeds? Thank you.

  32. Hi Jill, you mentioned y’all listen to Weatherman Plus , who was the other one, Plunder???TIA..

  33. What was I thinking? I started 36 Black Krim and all but 1 germinated. Guess it's time to get more ground ready! Blessings

  34. Hello Jill,i know i,ve not been on much. Me and Allan took a little job. Having fun with it. We,re selling thrift items. Just love thrifting. Was surprised to find out things from my childhood are considered vintage now. Your garden looks great

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