Edible Gardening

My little garden tour. First attempt starting from scratch. Midway through summer.

So this is my little garden. There was nothing here but plain grass. My first attempt wasn’t bad, but what I learned from it is what can and can’t be done. I want to change the layout as to open the middle. The boxes will be moved and the side gardens will be widened a little. New plants will be added. Most of the plants has at least one part that is edible, and that was the theme I planted around. I will also be adding old tires for the succulent garden. I have old wheelbarrows that I want to put herb gardens in at my front door, nearest to my kitchen. Tried the two plant trellising and it worked with the sunflowers and cocktail tomatoes and I will be repeating that in the nest planting season, just better as this was an experiment. The idea behind planting regular sunflowers is to harvest enough seeds to feed the wild birds during winter and food for the bees during the flowering season. I’m still looking into plants that is extremely frost resistant, but haven’t found any I like that will survive black frost. So for now I will be redoing the garden in the winter for the next planting season.

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