Front Yard Garden

A Forest Fire Causes Scare For Local Animals | Remarkable Vets | S2E08 | Beyond Wildlife

Set against the backdrop of one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, the Remarkables mountain range on New Zealand’s South Island, this series focuses on the fast-paced activities of new rural vet, Geoff Woodhouse. Having made the big move from the city to the country, Geoff faces the many challenges of building a new business from scratch and being the ‘new kid on the block’. Set in and around the rural vet practice, we follow Geoff and his team as they undertake their assignments and challenges – from run-over dogs and sick horses to downright pretty pigs.

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1 Comment

  1. Ok will someone at least say if monkey life is all done or what. It's nor fair to the kids and the adults.????????????

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