Gardening Supplies

How to grow sweet peas | Allotment garden flowers

Sweet pea variety Royal mixed.

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I hope people enjoy the video.


  1. Excellent. I love sweet peas. The fragrance is great on a breezy day. Class stuff Dan.

    I like the duo sown method. Very interesting sir.


  2. Haven’t grown sweet pea for a while, I forgot how beautiful they are. I might give them another go this year . Thanks Dan😊

  3. I seem to have some wild ones, if there is such a thing at my plot. They're pink and use a tree to climb up, which is nice. I kept some seeds from it if you want some.

  4. Sweet peas! Love them. I did grow my own. They germinated and flowered, but they only got to be around knee height. I forgot what type they were. One of my German neighbours thought I might have bought a dwarf variety. I'm so bad at labelling things. I must do that this year! And – I was dumping my old growing medium thinking I couldn't use it any more. I won't be doing that again! Shopping list: 1. LABELS! 2. Big container for used medium 👍

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