Backyard Garden

It’s a sign from the universe! Transforming my yard #diy #tips #BackyardOasis #shorts #Gardening

BackyardOasis #DIY #Gardening
Bring your backyard oasis to the next level with this easy-to-install birdbath! This DIY project will give your outdoor space a tranquil and inviting touch. All that’s required is some basic gardening tools, a birdbath basin, and a bit of elbow grease. The universe has spoken in the form of the Lowe’s clearance section at the garden center. This birdbath was on clearance for $5 and the pedestal was $18. In the future I’ll add a solar powered water pump and make this a nicer bird bath fountain area, but this will have to do for now. Diy birdhouses are in my future! I’m so excited about the potential for this yard. Follow our tips and tricks to transform your yard or garden into a bird-friendly paradise.

#BackyardOasis #DIY #Gardening #birdwatching #BirdLife

Garden DIY, Outdoor Landscaping, Gardening Projects, Backyard Ideas, DIY Garden Projects, Yard Decor, Garden Makeover, Landscape Design, Outdoor Living, Patio Projects

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