
Gardening Tips for Success (Live Q & A)

Watering tips, weather effects, fertilizing, hoop houses, pollinating, your gardening questions answered, Gardener Scott’s gardening philosophy and much more. Your Gardening Week (Live) #18

2:00 – Apples in Hot Weather
3:20 – Squash Flowers
6:45 – Blueberries
9:00 – Transplanting Squash
9:40 – Fall Crops
11:55 – Kiwi Leaves: Male vs. Female
13:30 – Pumpkins Cracking Open
16:50 – Brown Leaves on Peppers
19:10 – Upsidedown Tomatoes
21:15 – Watering Trees
23:05 – Hoop Houses
25:35 – Too Much Rain
27:40 – Harvesting Garlic
29:10 – Adventitious Squash Roots
31:25 – Tomato Hornworms
34:35 – Identifying Bugs
36:05 – Plants that Stop Growing
37:55 – When/How to Fertilize Vegetables
41:00 – Row Cloth
43:30 – LIGHTNING ROUND: Leaf Hoppers – Leaf Miners – Storing Soil – Planting Specific Plants in Your Area – Pruning Fruit Trees – Mango Seeds – Comfrey – Seeds that Aren’t Germinating – Catnip – Aerating Raised Beds – Mushrooms – Potting Mix – Tomato Flowers – Azamite
59:20 – Yellow Leaves on Squash
1:01:00 – Tree Bark as Mulch
1:03:30 – Hungarian Wax Peppers
1:04:45 – Soil Testing
1:05:35 – Cherry Tomatoes
1:07:35 – Fermenting/Saving Seeds
1:08:25 – Borax/Boron
1:09:50 – Composting Tomato Vines
1:12:00 – Asparagus Stems
1:13:30 – Squash Vine Borers
1:14:55 – Tomato Leaf Curl
1:16:15 – Cutting Back Zucchini
1:17:50 – Adding Iron to Soil
1:19:55 – Composting Pine Needles and Oak Leaves
1:21:50 – GS Philosophy: Be Flexible
1:32:40 – Seeds from Bolted Plants

Video Links
Hoop Houses

Pruning Fruit Trees

Soil Testing

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  1. Damn, damn, DAMN. Missed it again! I needed commiseration on the damage from this past weeks' storm. Lost all 9 pepper plants and both zucchini to the wind. The cukes and tomatoes got beat up but seem to have come through okay.

    One bit of advice you never see people giving is that you need to anchor your containers if you don't have space to move them indoors when foul weather threatens!

    Next week for sure!

  2. Thank you for answering my question. I planted bareroot trees earlier this year and now we're having alot of 100 degree days.

  3. At Gardener Scott. Is there some merit to my hypothesis that over-watering and fertilizing weekly with water soluble Miracle Grow during my current 95-105 degree days here in the DFW area will keep my plans alive and supple enough to survive until it cools off some, at which time I will stop fertilizing so the plants can produce fruit?

  4. GARDENER SCOTT sorry I missed your video. I grew my one seed which was a moon and stars watermelon it was 18 pound, but it only had stars unless you count the yellow spot where it was sitting on the ground. The biggest one yet.

  5. I realy need to know your live chat schedule lol. So I'm not late. I like your videos. I'm not new to gardening, but I am to new ideas and products. Things seem to havechange a lot over the last 50 years.

  6. First time gardener, living in Texas. One 6" 4'x4' and one 10" 4'x8' raised bed. High 90 to 100+ degree days. I planted carrots as seeds in the 6" bed. They started growing and now I only see 2 itty bitty leaves. What should I do? Also, there are ants in my bed. What can I do to get rid of them. They keep putting aphids on my plants. They started with my pole beans. I used neem oil and diatomaceous earth. That seemed to work temporarily. They keep moving around to other plants. They are working my nerves. Can too much neem oil hurt plants? Do I trellis okra? When do I trellis tomatoes and peas? Is it too late to plant pinto beans, purple hull peas, Vermont cranberry beans, black eyed peas, onion, celery and/or cabbage?

  7. the Plant identification app I use is plantNet. It's free and open source, I don't know of any pest identification app out there that is free, good luck

  8. Gardener Scott Do you watch "The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni"? You would like his methods.

  9. saya jadi belajar banyak tentang banyak hal juga mengetahui semua butuh cara yang berbeda .. terimakasih @gardenerscott dari indonesia

  10. For bugs try 2 heads of garlic , 12 cups of water and 2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper . Bring to a boil . Let sit over night then add 2 small squirts of biodegradable dishwashing liquid. Shake before use. I haven't tried it yet but I found it online . When she used it she only had to use it 2 times .

  11. I needed the philosophy this week! I have had some issues with my peppers and a few plants and needed a reminder that "failures" are opportunities, too. I drew out a plan of my current garden and now I'm planning for next year and taking notes along the way!

  12. I've actually had much better results using a potting soil mix with moisture minder and fertilizer. I plant in a clear paint can liner I plan to grow in until I see a root system. I don't plant the seed deep and keep damp wit a spray bottle of filtered water. If it's a seed that takes heat I use a heating pad to help germinate.

  13. Gardener Scott, will you please respond to this on your live session so it can be more in-depth?

    It had been 3 weeks & all my seeds (below) in the seed starting mix didn’t germinate & rotted. Do you know what happened?

    So I started a new set using wet paper towel method & it’s been a huge success:
    Marigold – 2 days
    Swiss Chard – 1 day
    Cherry Tomato – 2 days
    Indigo Rose Totato – 8 days
    Sunflower Lemon Queen – 1 day
    Red Russion Kale – 2 days
    Arugula – 1 day
    Thai Basil – 2 days
    Red Basil – 2 days
    Giant Italian Pepper – 6 days

    Although Lavender, Strawberry & Celery are yet to germinate in both methods.

    Do you know why the huge difference in germination?

  14. Sorry, i missed the live stream but was going to ask you "What should I do with all the compost from old containers that have now lost all its goodness. Should I put it on the compost heap so it can get some nutrients from the other plants or use it as a mulch or any other suggestions". Dont mind if you answer in your next live session as I watch them if I can live or later in the week. Thanking you from the UK.

  15. If you haven't already made that garlic harvesting video you said you were going to have for next week, I was hoping you could address something in that video. I just harvested my hardneck garlic today and although they look great and are the size I expected, I noticed that some of them have necks are hard as wood while others are soft and can be squeezed with some effort. Is the neck still being soft an indication that it was not ready to be harvested?

  16. I give each of my tomatoe plants a tickle and a poke about every night around midnight. ☺

  17. Hi Gardener Scott hope you are doing well, I have a question about radish. I am having issues with my radish roots growing, the plants themselves are very large and healthy looking , but when i got to pull one up the root is really tiny, thin and very woody, not sure what I have been doing wrong. Would love to hear your input. Thanks !

  18. My garden is dull of leafhoppers as well that are devastating most of the leaves of my plants. What should I do?

  19. if you shade the maturing pumpkin with for example an old umbrella, the skin will harden less and thus be less likely to crack as it expands

  20. Please…. any advice on growing beets? Zone 9b, far, far west San Antonio.. I'm a fairly seasoned Gardner but… my beets won't grow? Thanks in advance

  21. You’re so right about changing direction. What’s the saying? When life gives you a lemon make lemonade!!!!
    I’m still really sorry to hear that you couldn’t get access to wood because your idea of an enclosed garden with raised beds is a good one. Woodworking vlogger April Wilkerson has an amazing plan for such a garden. I didn’t hear you mentioned any lumber yards. Were they empty too?

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