Vegetable Gardening

Allotment Self-Sufficiency – Freegan & Food waste – vegetable gardening

Just a Shropshire Lad, doing a bit on the days when he can.

If you would like to support my Self Sufficiency journey…
Etsy Shop – Artwork

T-Shirt Designs…

or If anyone is feeling generous and would like to buy me a tea or even a beer it would be greatly received,

My Family Wish List. –
I will send everyone who treats us an original piece of Artwork.
Please get in touch via

I also have some original artwork mugs, cushions, and other items for sale.

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  1. Happy New Year Ross! Feeling inspired by your plans! 👍 Your drawings are excellent. All the best for the year to come (and may this virus f*** right off!!)

  2. Love the video, these are great goals for the new year. What's the charity you pay £10 to for the box that sounds great?

  3. Same, same! I try to use mostly recycled on the plot! 99% of my families clothing is second hand! Even my eldest daughters wedding dress was second hand! I prefer hand made or well made second hand!……of course I also love growing as much as I can! Let's hope we have a great growing year!

  4. Really good goals Ross. I'm pretty much doing the same and trying to improve all the time. That £10 box thing sounds great. Crazy all that food would end up in landfill when there's nothing wrong with it.

  5. That's not a mid life crisis, that's common sense. lol good luck!

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